I thought I'd share some more of the handmade Blank Note Cards that mom and I made for our Boutique:
You won't find these at the WalMart! They're one of a kind and made with vintage greeting cards and other papers! And course, a lot of glitter! Are you surprised? LOL!!! Yes, we do like our glitter!
I still have more to list in our Boutique but I can only do so much in one day. I used to think I was Super Women but apparently, that kick in the butt I had a few years back proved me wrong! LOL!
Anyway, I wasn't going to watch the Royal Wedding today but it looks like it's the only thing on television! I haven't even seen the weather yet! I confess, I do enjoy the Pomp & Circumstance of these events. And I sure would love to have her dress to cut up for my crazy quilts! I wonder if it's dyeable?
Late to the party
But I did show up.
I ordered two Kogut charts, made the deadline for market pick-up so I won't
need to wait as long for shipping. The order is with Ana...
20 minutes ago