Here's an update of what I did yesterday on this piece. I finally decided on a seam treatment for the brocade at the top. If you're wondering how I managed such perfectly spaced stitches, I'll let you in on my secret: 8.5 count waste canvas! I simply line the blue registration thread up along the edge of the seam, pin it in place (although you can baste it which is probably a little better) and then start stitching, counting your spaces as you go along. Voila! Perfectly spaced stitches!
I decided to take a few days off from my work. Working at home is great! I love being able to come and go as I please, work when I want to and take a break when I feel I need it.
I'd like to tie up some loose ends, finish some projects that are almost done, work on some Christmas gifts since I'd like to have all that completed by October 1st. My house is clean, my laundry is done, my yard is watered and my work is done for the week anyway so I'm off to enjoy a stitching day!
My new hook
So. Do I have to beat my tablet's screen to act on my touch because it's
over a decade old, or because my finger is numb from the carpal? Methinks
a l...
18 hours ago
Your mother is going to love this piece of work, Pam! I am filled with admiration at the way you use all those little fiddly bits to create the whole thing, and it all comes together so beautifully. I have a dozen boxes of lace bits - would you like me to send a variety pack to you? I have given some to Linda and other friends, and would be happy to pass some on to you, then see how you use it!
Oh Gina! What a kind offer. Yes, I would love to have have some to have some of your lace do-dads for my CQ Art! That would be so wonderful! Thank you so much!
OK, can you please email me your snail mail postal address, Pam?
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