Cross Stitch Patterns by designer Pamela Kellogg of Kitty And Me Designs

The Blog Of Cross Stitch Designer Pamela Kellogg
Kitty And Me Designs

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Kitty And Me Designs

Celebrating 35 years of Needlework!!!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Red Hat Crazy Quilt Completed

Today, I thought you'd like to see the Red Hat quilt which was finished in the same manner as the Victorian Poinsettia quilt.


And here is the quilt label:



The Mad Stitcher said...

Your quilts are gorgeous Pam and such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing these photos with us.

Gina E. said...

Michele, you took the words from my mouth.. Pam, if I had the room on the walls in my house, I would kill to have just one of your quilts on display!

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