I've been a bit under the weather the past few days. Just some little late Summer bug messing with my sinues. My husband had it last week. Anyway, after working on my computer most of the day yesterday, I just didn't feel up to stitching last night. So I just relaxed on the sofa and watched my Chicago Cubbies win!
Since I don't have an update for you on my current CQ block, I thought I would share with you one of my all time ever favorite movies! Yes, I love all sorts of vintage things including old movies!
This movie is called Swing Time and it stars Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Yes, it's one of their dance movies and in my opinion, their best! It was released in theaters in 1936 and was finally released on DVD just last week.
Read more about Swing Time, at Reel Classics.
This is a very cheerful, uplifting movie. Cute and funny with great music and beautiful dancing. There's nothing like a happy movie and some popcorn to brighten one's mood!
My new hook
So. Do I have to beat my tablet's screen to act on my touch because it's
over a decade old, or because my finger is numb from the carpal? Methinks
a l...
18 hours ago
1 comment:
Sounds like the movie was fun, though I'm more of a Gene Kelly girl myself!
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