I thought for today, I would share the Submission Guidelines and Publication Schedule for my upcoming publications. I'm working on my ideas and although I don't want to jump the gun, I'm still bouncing off the walls with excitement for when I take over Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine. I've made a new tab at the top of my blog calling for submissions for upcoming publications. Along with CQ Gatherings magazine, there will be other publications. The ideas are running rampant through my brain right now. But I'm trying to stay focused on just a few things. I want to give everyone the opportunity to submit their work and see it published. As Pat always said, CQ Gatherings magazine is a needful thing. And I thought a few other publications would be fun for everyone as well! So please read through the following and keep your eye on the tab at the top of my blog for updates.
*Starting with the Spring 2015 issue of Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine, I
will be the new owner and publisher. This is an exciting endeavor for
me and I hope it will be for you as well. My mission is to help spread
the word about the wonderful world of crazy quilting, to share crazy
quilt ideas, techniques, patterns and eye candy with crazy quilters
around the world and to give crazy quilters the opportunity to see their
work published.
There will be a 3 month lead time on each issue so my publishing schedule will be as follows:
Spring 2015 issue - Release date: February 1, 2015 - Submissions due by November 1, 2014.
*Suggested submission ideas and themes: Valentines Day, St. Patrick's
Day, Easter, Mother's Day, butterflies, birds and nests, bunnies, pastel colors.
Summer 2015 issue - Release date: May 1, 2015 - Submissions due by February 1, 2015.
*Suggested submission ideas and themes: flowers, birds, butterflies, patriotic, swans, bright pastels, bugs, Summer themes
Autumn 2015 issue - Release date: August 1, 2015 - Submissions due by May 1, 2015.
*Suggested submission ideas and themes: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Fall leaves, pumpkins, browns, orange, gold, yellow, reds
Winter 2015 issue - Release date: November 1, 2015 - Submissions due by August 1, 2015.
*Suggested submission ideas and themes: Christmas, Winter, Snowflakes, Snowmen, blues, whites, red and green
The suggestions for ideas and themes are only suggestions. Please feel free to submit any of your work at anytime.
I will add ideas and suggestions as they come to me. These are just ideas, not necessities to get published. It's important to me that you feel
comfortable submitting your projects. I know it can be a little
intimidating to put our work our there as none of us want to feel as if
our we are being judged. That's not the case with these publications.
The mission here is to give everyone the opportunity to share. Everyone
brings something to the table. That's my philosophy! I hope it's
yours too!
Along with publishing Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine, I will also be
publishing several supplemental Crazy Quilt booklets. This is a list of
upcoming publications:
2015 Crazy Quilt Calendar
Release date: September 1, 2014
The calendar is already full so I cannot accept submissions for this publication.
100 Crazy Quilt Hearts
I do not have a release date for this publication at the moment however,
I am asking everyone to start thinking about crazy quilt hearts! I
love them and everyone loves them!
Guidelines: Hearts can be any heart shape, any color and any
theme however, they must be crazy quilted, approx. 6 inches in size and
they must be finished into an ornament. You can submit as many hearts
as you would like to. If I get too many submissions for 1 publication, I
will do a 2nd publication.
I will post more information on this publication soon so please check back often.
Basic submission information: Please send unaltered, high resolution
photos 300 dpi JPEG images. If you plan to send a tutorial, please send
a Word.doc or simply write out in an email message with photos as
attachments. Submission can be sent to my email address.
Also, include any links that you would like me to include with your
work such as Blog address, Facebook, email address, Flickr and so on.
Again, please be check the tab at the top of my blog often. I will update it regularly. If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
There's been some progress on the latest landscape as you can see from
Please excuse the basting threads
(forgot to take a photo before I added ...
16 hours ago
OH what a giant job of love but bet you can handle it xoxox
It all sounds so exciting Pam! I don't know how you're able to sleep at night with all the ideas you have. I love the idea of the hears publication btw. Will have to put my thinking cap on for that one!
I've been so stressed lately that I haven't been visiting cq blogs, or many blogs at all, barely manage to get my posts up some weeks. But I stopped by tonight and read quite a few posts - lovely work you are doing as always - but this post is so fabulous. Congratultions on your new plans. It sounds wonderful. Exactly what do you want for submissions? How-tos? Examples of work we've done? Historical articles or articles about historical finds? I'm not sure what kind of submission you really hope to have. =)
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