I finished up the stitching on my Peacock Purse and I crocheted some trim and then did some tatted trim for it:
The crocheted piece only took me about 1/2 and hour to do but the tatted piece took a good 8 hours. I just felt that's what it needed so I did it.
I hope to get this sewn together tomorrow and then I can do the hand finishing tomorrow evening. When it's done I'll post another photo.
In the meantime, Mom finished a few new Easter Decor items:
I printed up some vintage Easter postcards on fabric for mom and she made the door hangers from those and then the bunny doll is made from a vintage quilt that I bought for her at a flea market last Summer.
I have another purse all pieced and ready to stitch on so I'll share that when I get started on it.
There's been some progress on the latest landscape as you can see from
Please excuse the basting threads
(forgot to take a photo before I added ...
17 hours ago
your peacock is beautiful.
It's simply gorgeous!! I do wish I could do tatting; one of our Guild members does it so well, and has run a workshop on it, but I missed out on it sadly. She may do another one some time, but I don't know if I would take it up now, as my hands ache so much even after a few minutes of simple embroidery, so I hate to think what they'd feel like with a tatting needle and shuttle!
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