We've reached our goal of 300 Followers! Thank you everyone!!!
My husband drew a name from the basket last night. Here is the winner:
Anne at Anne's Phamily Blog
Anne, please email me with your street address so I can mail your prize to you! Congratulations!!!!
The Sewing Club smalls
Hi folks. Hope everyone is doing well.
I previously posted about BBD's *Sewing Club *book and the number of drum
finishes included. I made the working...
7 hours ago
Congratulations to Anne!
Congrats to the winner, hope you are having a great day.
Congratulations Anne! You are one lucky winner.
Thanks Pam you are one amazing bloggy friend. I am excited that I won. It has been a while since I won anything and I appreciate you and your blog. You have such a fun blog here. Thank you again. Anne
Congrats to your winner Anne, A very lucky lady!
And to Pam for reaching her goal and then some!!
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