The pink leaf pin is vintage and the blue flowers beneath it are from a pair of vintage earrings. They had the clip back on them so I just broke it off and sewed it down.
How do you like my little frog? I have pretty little frogs and toads in my garden. I have snakes too but I won't be adding one of those to this quilt!
Here is Block #4 before I start stitching on it:
My mom always tells me that I have an incredible knack for crazy quilting. I just tell her it's because my head is crazy!
Have a great Saturday everyone. I'm off to the bank!
This is becoming more beautiful by the minute - you have a really good eye for detail and colour
Take care
Oh my Goodness, I agree with your Mom, you absolutely have a knack for crazy quilting! Block 3 is done already and gorgeous! I needed it today - so far 18" of snow and still the garden quilt says Spring will come. Ha. Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas to you and yours. :o)
These blocks are just beautiful Pam...and they DO make me think of spring (which is good because it was -14 degrees celcius this morning).
It is coming along nicely and is very beautiful. You certainly do have a knack for cq. I can't even quilt.
Have a Merry Christmas.
Utterly, totally gorgeous.
If this isn't a sign of your recovery, I don't know what is!
Hi Pam, I've been out of the loop for a few days..... and it feels like WEEKS! Your quilt blocks are coming along beautifully; I really like that you took the sequins off the flowers on #2. Can't wait to see the pink (#4) develop! And your baking just makes my mouth water!! I've done without sweets so far this year and appear to be surviving. I *may* treat myself to a couple bites of a caramel/pecan log that my neighbor always delivers, though. Thank you for mentioning my blog - that was so sweet of you and very much appreciated. BTW, there is a little package winging its way toward you. Probably won't make it by Christmas (just mailed it today), but it'll get there when it gets there. Not much, just a small token of thanks for all you've given me (you have no idea!). Hugs, Cathy
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