I needed to leave myself time to put the 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar together so I'm working a bit early on the Autumn issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.
I thought for today I would share the the Table Of Contents with you from the Summer issue:
I also thought I would share a project that I had to pull from the Summer issue because I couldn't squeeze anymore in:
I made this summer Seascape purse a few years back and it was perfect for the theme of the Summer issue but with so much wonderful content from contributors, I decided I'd share this here on my blog instead.
I was wondering if I could ask of you a favor. The success of this magazine depends greatly on contributions from readers and getting the word out that the magazine is available. If you're reading this, would you please consider posting about it on your blogs and Facebook pages? Mary Anne Richardson, Cathy Kizerian, Kathy Shaw and I work very hard to pull this magazine together. The more the news spreads about the magazine, the more successful it will become and that will make it better and better! Here is the cover photo. Just right click on it and save it to your hard drive then you can upload it to your blog post:
And this is the link to order it: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/905756
Just right click on the link, "copy link location" and paste it into your blog post.
Thank you to everyone who is willing to post about and help promote it!
Pondering a new project and knitting in the evenings
For some reason the past few days have been spent pondering the state of my
belly button instead of actually doing anything constructive. I'm toying
10 hours ago
Hi Pam, and yes I will let everyone know about you and your lovely magazine!
Hi Pam, I just ordered this magazine and I can't wait to read it! Good luck and many blessings in the work you do! Kathleen
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