I've been working on pillows lately but I want to wrap them up and move on to some more purses.
This one is ready to sew together:
This one is spoken for so I'm going to get it sewn together this afternoon and I'll post another photo of it in it's finished form tomorrow.
This is the pillow that I'm working on now:
The center of this design is from a vintage hankie. I love using them in my crazy quilt projects. There's still some do-dads to be added to this piece.
I need to sew up some more blocks as well. I used to have a huge stash of pre-sewn blocks but I've pretty much stitched all of them up. I printed up a sheet of vintage images so I have some new pictures to use.
Lots of pretties to come!
Pondering a new project and knitting in the evenings
For some reason the past few days have been spent pondering the state of my
belly button instead of actually doing anything constructive. I'm toying
9 hours ago
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