I was recently asked about Bowl Fillers. What Are Bowl Fillers to be exact? Bowl fillers are the hottest new trend in home decor and decorating. Bowl fillers can be any collection of things that are small enough to display in a pretty bowl and set on a dining table or coffee table as a center piece.
They can be something as simple as vintage glass Christmas ornaments, pinecones or seashells. Mom and I have had a lot of fun coming up with new ideas for bowl fillers. Here are some of mom's:
Some of these are still available and I know that mom is working on all sorts of new bowl fillers! And as I mentioned yesterday, I'm working on 4 sets of crazy quilt hearts for bowl fillers! Hope to run my sewing machine most of the day tomorrow!
Saturday Stitching Station
[image: ©Copyright 2025 Belinda Karls-Nace/Blue Ribbon Designs, LLC
Greetings friends! I'm back again for anoth...
8 hours ago
1 comment:
Didn't realize that these had become a trend - hmmm....I've done something similar for years and though it was quite common. Maybe I was on the cutting edge of design and didn't know it??
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