Several years ago, DMC came out with a set of shaded embroidery threads which they called, "Color Variations". I loved them! Many times while stitching with them I thought to myself, these would be great in Perle #5! DMC must have been reading my mind because they've recently released these threads in Perles:
Aren't these just yummy?!!! Oooof! I wanted to share a photo of them with you before I started using them.
I don't see them listed on DMC's website yet but they are available from Herrshnerr's. Here's the direct link to the thread listing.
More changes
In color and minor placements. Should have studied the chart, I didn't see
the lack of symmetry in the top section.
I moved the left outline one row c...
1 day ago
So funny Pam, just before I checked here, I got an email from DMC newsletter...and they had the color variations listed!
Neat looking colors!
Those are lovely. I don't do alot of embroidery. A while back I purchased a grab bag full of different flosses, and ended up with a bunch of Dmc Rayon floss I have no idea what to do with. If they would interest you, let me know. I am in the middle of a craft room downsize and clean out.
Strange you've not seen these before - I've got a piece of needlework I'm doing, and have been for at least 6 years (I'm one of those that starts a project, gets fed up with it and forgets it for ages before going back and picking it up again!).
And guess what? I'm using DMC Perle 5 varigated threads in it, and have done right from the begining!
They are great threads, wonderful colours (and no - I haven't spelt 'colour' incorrectly!) and so easy to work with!
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