I just love the beaded crocheted edgings that my mom makes for me to use on these!
I also sewed up 2 more Comfort Cat Dolls which I'll share when I get to stitching them but in the meantime, I thought I'd make myself a new purse:
This is a bit of challenge piece! I fell in love with that red/black rose brocade fabric when I was shopping with Karen in Kentucky. Even though I'm not a red person, I just thought a red and black purse would be kind of pretty. It'll go well with my leather jacket!
Anyway, I decided to stitch it entirely in cream colored thread. I did start on it last night but all I have done so far is I added a bit of lace and covered one seam. I'll work on it more later today and I'll have an update for you tomorrow. I'll do the beading with black, red, cream and gold do-dads.
Your phone pouches look great Pam. Black and red, now there is something different from you, I'll be watching closely! ;-)
Very pretty pouches. The bottoms are very complimentary.
I really like the red and black. I look forward to see what you do with it.
Pam, stop it!!!!! I just used the same "weird" fluff fabric in my new purse,"Tuscan Harvest".It is the whole back panel. It looks like yours is in reds, mine is orange and green.Too weird huh?
Great minds..............
Beautiful pouches!
Your red and black challenge is very special. Looks fabulous even without any stitching and embellishing.
I agree that your moms fringe is just a great ending for these pouches!
I love the red and black. That is going to be so beautiful, and I can see why that brocade was tempting to you! I'm looking forward to tomorrow's update!
Pam I love the red and black. I can't wait to see how you finish it. I love the center piece you are using!
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