I've been stitching on some small Crazy Quilt purses and making progress on my 2nd in this set:
Notice the little tatted flowers on the right. I made those yesterday morning! The center flower is from a vintage hankie. I really need to use some of my collection before I start buying more! I love vintage hankies!
JUST A REMINDER: The deadline for projects, tutorials, eye candy and Ad Copy for the Spring 2015 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine is November 1st. I know it's a little tight for everyone right now with Pat working on her last issue and me working on my first but I need to have all my ducks in a row so to speak, well in advance. If you have anything you want me to include in the Spring issue or if you want to place an Ad, please email me asap!
Also, I'm looking for an Easter themed Crazy Quilt project. It doesn't have to be a big project, just something small for eye candy!!! Please let me know if you have something you want to share!
A little update - of sorts
It was brought to my attention that perhaps it might be nice to show you a
selection of the landscapes I've done. This certainly isn't ALL of them
but ...
12 hours ago
Sweet little tatted flowers (even if they ARE pink...lol)
Looks like the beginnings of a very pretty purse! Did you see the cat picture on my blog? Our two have been sticking pretty close since we got back home.
Sorry that Pat is leaving but wishing you all the luck in your new endeavor. You'll be a natural at this I'm sure.
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