Cross Stitch Patterns by designer Pamela Kellogg of Kitty And Me Designs

The Blog Of Cross Stitch Designer Pamela Kellogg
Kitty And Me Designs

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Celebrating 35 years of Needlework!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Never Ending Sampler - Panel 7 Band 10

 If you're working on the Never Ending Sampler, here's Panel 7 Band 10:

You can download the PDF file for the Never Ending Sampler Panel 7 here.

I asked everyone over at my Fans Of Kitty And Me Designs Facebook Group of I should keep going with the NES and I got a unanimous yes!

So we will move on to Panel 8 when we complete this one.

I have a questions for you!  For the next Panel, do you want an Autumn theme or a Christmas theme?

Please let me a comment and let me know.

Happy Stitching,



diamondc said...

Nice designs on the never ending sampler.


JustGail said...

I'm glad you will keep this going. My vote is Autumn theme, it would play well with the Spring theme of panel 7.

JustGail said...

Oops - hit publish too soon - Thank you for the NES patterns.

And are you done settling into your new home? It's a big job, even after 18 years I still find boxes that I have no clue what's in them or where to put the items when I do open them. A thrift shop box is probably where much should go! :-)

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