I'm seeing a lot of stitcher's on our Never Ending Sampler Facebook group who are caught up on the Never Ending Sampler so for today, I have Panel 5 Band 10. It's actually Band 9 1/2 and Band 10!
Right click on the image and save to your hard drive. Then print in any graphic software.
We'll be wrapping this Panel up soon. There's only a few more bands to go. Is anyone looking for anything specific for Panel 6?
I'm open to suggestions. Do you prefer to completely choose your own colors? Do you prefer horizontal bands are are you open to something a little different?
How about the special stitches? Would you prefer a panel worked in cross stitch and backstitch only?
Please leave a message and let me know what your thoughts are!!
Also, if you've been eyeing any of my cross stitch patterns, I'm offering 10% off all PDF Downloads in my Etsy shop. Use Coupon Code: PDFDOWNLOADS at http://www.kittyandme.etsy.com/
I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas regarding Panel 6 of NES!!
The influence of Lauren
Being the ruler of the Procrasti-Nation, I have thought about removing
items yet failed to act. Why. Because I worry that I may be sorry, as ...
13 hours ago
Beautiful as always! Thank you again for continuing this lovely SAL. I'm still hoping to start stitching my own someday :) How about a small quote or a section of vertical bands, or some more flowers?
Thank you Aurelia! Yes, I was thinking about those ideas too!! Lot's more to come! Pam
Cross stitch is only a so-so for me, but I know a large part of your fan base is from that, so that's fine. I like the idea of a quotation, motifs, or vertical bands for a while.
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