Cross Stitch Patterns by designer Pamela Kellogg of Kitty And Me Designs

The Blog Of Cross Stitch Designer Pamela Kellogg
Kitty And Me Designs

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Celebrating 35 years of Needlework!!!!

Sunday, September 09, 2012

A Note On Nightmare

First, I thought I'd share an update with you on my Red & Black crazy quilt purse:

As you can see, I've done quite a bit of work on it over the last few days and hope to have time later to stitch on it a bit.

I also wanted to mention that my precious little Nightmare has been diagnosed with Kidney Failure:

Yes, I have him wrapped up in a quilt.  He's always liked that.  Anyway, I lost my Francis kitty to Kidney Failure back in 1996:

Having been through Kidney Failure with one kitty, I already know that it's a disease that tends to go quickly.  It's just a matter of time.

Needless to say, I'm heartbroken and devastated.  I just lost Simba in May and then my mom's Lakota in August.  I had been planning on adopting a kitten in the Spring of 2013 but depending on when things happen, that might have to move up a bit.  We'll see.

Nightmare has been with me since he was 3 weeks old.  He thinks I'm his real mother and has separation anxiety anytime I go outside or leave the house.  He's the one who's always been in my face under my feet.  Constantly.  But he is strong willed, stubborn and determined so who knows.  He'll be 17 in October.


Anonymous said...

LIke your cat photos. :)

Shawkl said...

Oh Pam, I'm so sorry to hear that Nightmare is sick. I so hope for a miracle for him; but if that is not to be, then I hope he goes quickly and suffers little. Sending healing hugs to both of you.

wolfmom2ac/Dawn said...

My kitty died 2 1/2 yrs ago of kidney failure. It's not fun. My kitty was 19 1/2 yrs old and the love of my life. You and your kitty will be in my thoughts and prayers.
The black and red purse is so pretty! You do such wonderful work.

Jane said...

Hi Pam,
I am so sorry to hear about your dear pet. I was wondering if you would like to adopt one or both of our cats. They are 3 years old, siblings. Scruffy is a little girl, named that because when she was a baby she could never keep her long hair looking nice. (She is completely black!) Ali is black with a white collar and feet.
We got them from friends when they were abandoned by their mother (they think she was killed by a neighboring dog, after having the kittens in their garage).

We have had several changes in our family, with 3 more people moving into the house, and my husband has developed asthma, and cannot have them around too much. I would love to find them a good home, and I know yours would be.

We live in Chicago south suburbs, so it would not be a big stretch to get them to you.
Please let me know!
jane dot compeau at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Oh Pam I'm so sorry that you may loose another Kitty, it is so hard to let go of our pets, 17 is a good life but letting go is never easy. I have to little Yorkies ages 12 and as I bathed them yesterday I could tell how they have aged right before my eyes, they are my treasures. Hugs to your and by the way your black and red purse is gorgeous. Big Hugs Marilou

Sarah Sequins said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Nightmare, Pam! He looks like such a sweetie. I'll keep both of you in my thoughts. *Hugs.*

Sandy said...

i like the purse. Your kitty looks so comfortable and loved in the quilt.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

O, you've had your friend for a long time. It may be time to let go, but you will always have him in your heart. After all, somewhere there is another kitty baby waiting to receive all the love you have to give and to help your sad heart heal.
xx, Carol

Anonymous said...

Oh!! my heart goes out to you!! I am so sorry for the pain you are going through right now. These furry companions leave paw prints on our hearts , never to go away. My Lucy, a tortie, is 16 and she is going through lots of changes. My thoughts are with you. Tamara

Judy S. said...

Your purse is looking great, Pam. So sorry to hear about Nightmare. thinking of you and sending hugs!

Cynthia said...

Pam, I'm so sorry about Nightmare. I lost my dog a few months ago and it still hurts so much. It's so hard with having lost Simba so recently. I'll be praying for you and Nightmare.

Gina E. said...

Oh Pam...such a sad year for you. So hard to think of anything to say, but ditto to all the above comments (I know I always say that, but other bloggers always say the right thing before I even get there).
You've been lucky to have Nightmare for so many years, but it is always heart breaking when you lose them..

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