Hi everyone,
I've added a new option for Ad space in Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine. This is an affordable option for anyone who would like to promote their blog, a small Etsy shop, stitching groups or supplies for sale.
Community Ads are only $12.00 for 30 words or less. These will be available starting with the Autumn 2015 issue.
Here is a complete list of Ad Rates and information:
Advertisement Information for Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine and other Publications
- Business Card Ad - $40.00 (2 inches high X 3.5 inches wide - pixels: 600 X 1050)
- Quarter Page Ad - $75.00 (5.5 inches high X 4.25 inches wide - pixels: 1650 X 1275)
- Half Page Ad - $150.00 (5.5 inches high X 8.5 inches wide - pixels: 1650 X 2550)
- Full Page Ad - $300.00 (11 inches high X 8.5 inches wide - pixels: 3300 X 2550)
- Back Cover - $400.00 (11 inches high X 8.5 inches wide - pixels: 3300 X 2550)
- Community Ad - $12.00 (30 words or less) - Advertise your blog, Etsy shop, stitching group, supplies for sale, etc.
- Ad graphics must be high resolution JPEG images 300 DPI
- Graphics must be provided by vendor
- Payment must accompany ad copy
- Payment to be made via PayPal
- Ad copy and payment must be received 3 months prior to publication release date.
Ad Deadlines
Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine Fall 2015
release date: August 1, 2015
Ad deadline: May 1, 2015
Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine Winter 2015
release date: November 1, 2015
Ad deadline: August 1, 2015
Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine Spring 2016
release date: February 1, 2016
Ad deadline: November 1, 2015
Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine Summer 2016
release date: May 1, 2016
Ad deadline: February 1, 2016
For more information on placing an ad in Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine, please
contact me.
Also, I am now accepting
Business Card Ads for the 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar to be released on September 1st, 2015. Business Card Ads are $40.00 each. Please
email me if you would like to place an Ad.