Cross Stitch Patterns by designer Pamela Kellogg of Kitty And Me Designs

The Blog Of Cross Stitch Designer Pamela Kellogg
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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Busy Week

I hope everyone is having a Happy July 4th weekend!  I didn't realize how long it's been since I posted anything new!  I wish I could say I had a lot of stitching to share with you but I only have one thing for right now.

I did a lot of yard work this week.  The temps. were comfortable so I got my butt out there and neatened things up a bit.

I also stitched up the model for Lesson 7 of my online Crazy Quilting Class.  This one took me longer than most.  You'll see why when Jason releases the project.  I just have to type it all up and send it to him.  I think my students will have loads of fun with Lesson 7!

So for now, my one little stitched piece is this embroidered and crayon tinted snowman:

Is he too cute or what?!  Sometime this coming week, I'll sew him up into a pillow.  And speaking of sewing, that's another thing I did this week.  I pieced a ton of new crazy quilt blocks so I have some nice things all ready to stitch on.  Be sure to stay tuned for all the upcoming projects!

For now, I'll leave you with new photos of Lucy of Wrigley:

If you think that Lucy doesn't look all that happy, she isn't.  She has not accepted and taken to Wrigley yet.  I guess she needs some more time.  Honestly, Wrigley is so sweet and gentle but he is a kitten and he wants to play.  He so much wants Lucy to play with him but she just won't have anything to do with him yet.

You can see that Wrigley has his new name tag now.  My cats are indoor cats but just in case, I keep tags on them with our name, address and phone number.  It also has our vets phone number and states that Wrigley is microchipped.  I also keep jingle bells on them so I know who's into what! Also, a little St. Francis of Assisi medal.

Finally, this is my last photo of my beautiful Nightmare.  Scott took just before we took Nightmare for his final visit to the vet.  You can see he didn't feel well and he never would have allowed Wrigley to lay so close him that soon.  But I'm very grateful that Nightmare gave me the chance to have a photo of him with Wrigley.  I still miss Nightmare something awful.  I've been wanting to share this photo for awhile.  It's still hard to do but I wanted it here on my blog.  Scott called this "the passing of the torch".  Nightmare was so devoted to me that I think it was just a gift that gave me.

Well that's my post for today.  Bubba has cheeseburgers on the grill so I'd better go cut up some watermelon!


DVArtist said...

Hi Nice snow man. The cats are great. Yeah some more time would be good. LOL

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Wrigley is certainly a handsome fellow! Lucy will take to him eventually I'm sure and they will become best of friends.

Gina E. said...

Awww Pam....beautiful fur babies with beautiful stories. Aren't cats funny when they are brought to live together by us humans! Topsy was all on her own for 10 years, and she hasn't accepted Tiger and probably never will. She tolerates him as long as he doesn't go too near her, and he has learnt his lesson well after two years of being clawed at! But our previous two cats were completely different - Patra and Smokey were very loving to us and to each other, even though Patra was already a few years old when Smokey arrived.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful post with all your gorgeous artwork and kitties. Wrigley is growing by leaps and bounds!!! and Miss Lucy is so pretty! and Nightmare...passing the torch...such a perceptive comment . I have to get my butt over to your shop and do some holiday shopping real soon. I have been a secret admirer of you and your mom for years. Bless you both!

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