
Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Trip To JoAnn Fabrics Store

We went up to JoAnn's today.  Just needed to get out a little really.  I picked up some beads, a couple of purse handles, a few spools of bead thread, some felt and some flowers that were marked down. The felt was 4 for $1.00 if anyone needs some!  Anyway, just needed some basic supplies.  There was some fabric that I was drooling all over but my husband reminded me that I have plenty of fancy fabric.  I told him that I didn't have any like that and he said it'll be there next time.  Okay, I get the hint!  Ha, ha, ha!  Actually, he couldn't care less what I buy.  He puts things in my cart that he thinks I need.  What a guy!

When we left there, we stopped at Wendy's for one of their little tiny cheeseburgers and we split a small fry and then came home where I have been doing laundry ever since.  And then my husband asked for me some bread.  He never asks for anything so I didn't want to say no.  Thank goodness for my Kitchenaid.  I made a loaf of wheat bread.  It's on the second rise now so I can bake it in about 45 minutes.  Should make the house smell really good.  We'll have it with salad later.

I have a few new things to share today.  Actually, I have loads of new things from mom and myself but I can only do so many at one time.  First are my Orchid Greeting Tags:


The orchids are from a vintage greeting card.  I really love making pretty tags.  These would be so pretty on Birthday gifts or Mother's Day gifts.
Next are some more of Mom's Victorian Tussy Mussy's:


Those fuzzy little chicks are just too cute!

I'm getting ready to start stitching on some little Angel Brooches.  First, I think I'll sit in a tub filled with bubbles and relax a bit with my magazines.  Then I'll stitch for a bit.  I'm definately feeling better.  I noticed a bit of a change on Saturday.  I feel a twinge more on the planet and not quite as "out there" as I felt.  Still, I'm out of steam by 5:00 pm every day.  So it's time to rest.

Speaking of resting, I'll leave you with a photos of my lazy little Simba:


He's really the sweetest little angel of a kitty.  Doesn't bother anything or anyone.  Very quiet and gentle.  And definitely lazy!   I think I want to be a cat in my next life and live with someone like me!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Crazy Garden Quilt Block #8 Completed

I finished up on this block early this morning:


Can you find my little Bluebird?
Before starting on the final block, I'm going to do a few other things.  Haven't decided exactly what yet except for some little angel brooches that have been calling to me.  I just painted the little angels this morning.  I think I'll get everything ready to do some silk ribbon embroidery on them this afternoon.  Or do I want to bake something?  Hmmmm......I still have Strawberry Cupcakes on my mind!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Brooches, Strawberry Cupcakes and More!

I have loads to things to share with you today.  Well, maybe not loads but some eye candy and some news.

First, I promised you brooches:


I took some small lace appliques, hand-dyed them, tacked them onto some heavy weight interfacing and then embellished with silk ribbon embroidery, beads & sequins. When they were done, I glued a piece of card stock to the back and then some flannel (couldn't find my felt) and added a pin back.  They're very sparkly and available in my Etsy shop.

Next, I'm sure you're all wondering what the plan was for the strawberries.  Well, here they are:


They look good enough to eat, don't they?  But they're not edible.  They're pincushions!  Oh, what a fun project this was!  It's really incredible to get an idea and bring it to life.  Not that cupcake pincushions haven't been made before, but I wanted to put strawberries on mine!  The cups are vintage tins.  I'd like to say that I sprayed them pink but I can't.  My father did it for me.  I'm spray paint challenged!  Ha, ha, ha!  Anyway, they're available in my Etsy shop as well.

I spent the day over at mom's and completed several more projects that I had started.  I had to let them sit overnight so the glue could dry.  I'll share those projects next week.

In the meantime, I wanted to share photos of some lovely gifts that I received this week.  First are these beautiful hankies from Judy:


Aren't they beautiful?  I just love vintage hankies!  Judy also sent me a copy of her choir's CD.  Oh, I just love choir music!  And she sent me an issue of Sew Beautiful.  Oh, I love that magazine.  Thank you, Judy for all the lovely gifts you sent to me!

I received another wonderful package this week as well:


These pretties were a gift from Mary Ann.  Beautiful hankies, crocheted pieces, appliques, lace and sequins.  And check out the gorgeous smocked piece!  I don't have anything like that in my stash.  I will be using that on something special.  Perhaps a new purse once my Crazy Garden Quilt is done!  Thank you so much MA.  It was a lovely surprise!

Finally for today, I have an announcement to make.  Due to the lack of interest in my Biscornu of the Month designs, I have decided to drop the project.  I apologize if this disappoints anyone.  I just feel that without the interest in the series, I could better spend my time creating other things. 

Well, that's my post for today.  I'm quite tired now so I think I'll go fill my tub with bubbles and relax. 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Crazy Garden Quilt Continues To Bloom

Flowers continue to bloom on Block #8 of my Crazy Garden Quilt:


This project is nearing is end and I've so much enjoyed it.  Only 1 block to go when this one is done.  It's helped me to focus on Spring & Summer rather than the icky Winter months which ya'll know, I absolutely despise!  Will have to plan on another project for next Winter!

But I'm not quite done yet.  I've been making myself get out of my bed when my husband goes to work and I sit and play with my stitching until it gets light out.  It helps to move around in the morning and do something that requires hand/eye coordination.

In other news, I finished up my little brooches that I mentioned the other day.  Oh, they are so pretty!  I'll have photos tomorrow.  I also finished up my "mystery" strawberry project that I mentioned the other day.  Again, photos will be available in the morning.  Anyone want to guess what I've done with those strawberries?

For now, I'd better get dinner together.  Taco salad.  Yum!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stitching The Day Away!

I've pretty much been playing all day.  Other than doing laundry and running to the Post Office, I've been stitching on my Crazy Garden Quilt:

The yellow on the lace at the top looks a little bright in the scan.  It's really not that bright.  It's much softer and will look softer yet when I bead and sequin it.

My other project for today are some little beaded lace applique pins.  I have one more to stitch and I'll share a photo soon.  Very pretty and quite enjoyable to do!  I may have to make a few more.

I guess that's the news for today.  They're calling for snow again tomorrow.  Geez louise!  Is Spring ever going to show up?  I really want to go to WalMart and I'm on the look out for Robin's!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Spring At Kitty & Me!

Well, we may have more snow outside, but Spring is showing it's pretty little head here at Kitty & Me!

I spent the day taking photos of our newest creative endeavors.  Oh, and uploading photos.  Yes, that takes awhile on dial-up.  But I did a little project while I was waiting.  Velvet Strawberries:

Velvet Strawberries

These will part of an upcoming project.  You'll never guess what I'm going to do with them!  Stay tuned!

In the meantime, here is the sweetest little bunny pillow made by mom:

Bunny Pillow

These cute little chick do-dads are by mom as well:

Chick In Basket

Chicks In Nest

I just love them!  I have something coming soon with these little chicks too!  I'm just waiting on some more forgetmenot flowers!

Anyway, these Spring tags are my newest additions:

Spring Bunny Tags

Spring Chick Tags

There are 5 tags in each set.  I don't know which ones I like more.  The bunny's are vintage gold dresden foil.  I found them at an antique shop awhile back.  Sometimes it's hard for me to use some of my things that I've picked up in our junkin' travels but eventually I concede to using them.  I mean, why do I have them if I don't want to use them?

Anyway, I also made some pretty little glittered egg ornaments:

Pink Chicks On Eggs Ornaments

Yellow Chicks On Eggs Ornaments

These would be so cute on an Easter Egg tree! 

So, that was my day.  I made chicken soup and Scott just walked in the door.  My favorite time of day!  I just have to get the garlic bread ready to put in the oven.  He doesn't like to eat the minute he walks in.  He likes to unwind for a little while first.

In other news, Annie was the first to ask for the JCS Ornament magazine so Annie, it's yours!  Please email me with your address so I can get that in the mail for you.  I hope you enjoy it!

Well, I'm kind of tired now.  I started stitching Block #8 of my Garden Crazy Quilt but I want to get a little more stitching in on it before I share a progress photo with you.  I also have some lovely gifts that I received from 2 of my dear blog friends.  I'll share photos of those in the next day or so too!

Until then, have a good night!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Quick Update

It's supposed to snow tomorrow (again)!  I guess Spring isn't quite ready to show up yet!  My husband took me up to Michael's this morning because heaven knows, I have no craft supplies in this house!  LOL!  Actually, I wanted some spray glitter.  Scott said, "yeah, that's what you need.  Spray glitter!"  Too funny!

When we got back home, I made a loaf of bread to have with soup tomorrow and I've since been rearranging my computer room which is also where I store my craft supplies.  You know, the ones that I don't have.  Ha, ha, ha!

Anyway, I still have a little bit of organizing to do but, I thought I'd take a short break and share a photo of Block #8 of my Garden Crazy Quilt before I start stitching on it:


If you're new to my blog, I started this Garden Crazy Quilt project back in November or December.  It's my Winter project and I can see that my timing is quite good.  The quilt will consist of 9 blocks, each with a vintage embroidered hankie as a focal point.  When completed, I will border it with pink taffeta and hang it in my Living Room.

I'm not sure I'll start on this today.  I'm running out of steam now but I may start on it in the morning.
For now, I have a copy of the 2009 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue that I would like to give away:


  If someone would like to have it, please leave a comment for me.  USA Residents only please.  I will take care of the postage.

Have a good evening everyone!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Spring Is In The Air!!!

It's going to be a lovely sunny day here.  I noticed that the Cardinal birds are just starting to sing their Spring song!  Oooh, there is a light at the end of Winter's tunnel!

I have loads of things to share today.  I spent yesterday afternoon photographing our newest projects.

First are my Crazy Quilt Trinket Boxes:


I just love pink & green together!  So soft and feminine!
Next are my little PEEP EGGS:


I hand-painted some paper mache eggs, added vintage lace, string pearls, some forgetmenot flowers and glitter!  They're sitting in a little nest of moss.
I also made a couple of little grapevine wreaths for Spring:


I used vintage greeting cards for the background scenery.  And of course, everything I make has to have glitter on it!
Mom too has been busy as a bee.  She made 3 Puffy Pincushions.  These are the combined efforts of mom & dad really.  Dad made the wood bases and then mom did the rest:


I don't know how mom came up with the idea for these.  I love the aqua one.  Mom asked if I could spare 3 vintage mother-of-pearl buttons for this project.  Ha, ha, ha!!!  I told mom I have enough vintage buttons to last through to my next lifetime!  Of course, it doesn't stop me from buying more.  
And here is mom's Bird On A Victorian Box:


Isn't that pretty?  It's purely decorative and just so sweet!  Mom got the idea from those little Victorian images of boxes filled with flowers with a bird sitting on top.

So those are our newest projects!  I have more here to photograph but I ran out of steam yesterday.  I'll share those things over the weekend.  

For today, I'm heading over to mom's to play!  I have a ton of projects there that need finishing.  Lot's of Easter and Spring things.  It really helps to get through  the Winter months by making Spring things.

And speaking of Spring, I am planning on starting Block #8 of my Garden Crazy Quilt this week.  I've really done well with my timing.  Only 2 blocks to go on my Winter project and a month left until Spring.  Well, according to my calender, Spring starts on March 1st but that's my calender!

I received a lovely package of goodies from Judy S. yesterday so I'll share photos over the weekend.  Pretty things!  And I want to leave a quick note to Froggy, please drop me an email so I have your email address.

Ok, it's time to get myself together so I can go to mom's.  She has Hazelnut Decaf Coffee.  Yum!  On my way there, I plan to keep my eyes open for Robins!

BTW - if you enjoy reading my blog, please join in as a follower!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Preview Of Upcoming Attractions

I thought I'd share a sneak peek of my Crazy Quilt Trinket Boxes with you:


They're all done and ready for the shop.   I'll have more photos tomorrow as well as other things that mom and I have made.  After I run to WalMart in the morning, I think I'll work on listing our newest things.

I'm terribly restless & bored out of my mind today.  I can't settle in on anything.  I have plenty of things I can do.  Cleaning is always an option but don't feel like doing that at the moment.  I've been wanting to rearrange some things here in my computer room but don't care to do that right now.  I could start on the tax stuff.   Ewwww......I have tons of things I want to make but just can't zero in on anything.  I've actually felt this way for a few days and I've been hoping it would pass but so far, it hasn't.

I just called mom and asked if I can come over and play there.  Of course she said yes so I'll head over there shortly.  I'm so tired of feeling screwy!  

Is it Spring yet?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I have all sorts of lovely new (some old) treasures to share today!  Last week was not so great having to have 2 teeth pulled but the weekend came with many blessings of love, comfort and beauty.

First, I received another package of beautiful lace from Gina in Australia:

Gina hunts through her local thrift shops and keeps her eyes open for lace.  She knows I have this obsession for it!  Thank you Gina!  All are lovely and much loved!

Next, I received a beautiful Valentine from Pat:

And just look at that gorgeous brooch that Pat made!


How in the world she does such tiny stitches is beyond me!   She is so gifted and thoughtful.  Thank you Pat!  This is a treasure to me!

I think I mentioned in my post over the weekend that my husband was going to take me to the Flea Market on Sunday.  I found some really pretty things there.

First are these laces:

There are over 100 yards of daisy lace on that roll.  I only paid $8.00 for it and it's cotton so I can dye it!  The little green pieces will be used on some sort of little art dolls.  Haven't decided for sure yet but I thought they were so pretty and unusual.
Next, I bought this pretty vintage plant stand:

It needs a bit of cleaning up and a fresh coat of paint.  I'm not sure what I'll put in there.  I don't care for too many plants in the house.  With 3 cats, I'd be cleaning dirt up off my floor all the time.  I just couldn't pass it by for only $10.00.

Last but not least, is my Valentine's Day gift from my husband:


I fell in love with this when I saw it!  I don't think it's all that old but it's so ornate!  A little while after I had looked at it, Scott had disappeared.  Shortly there after, he returned carrying this pretty birdcage!  He told me that as soon as it gets warm outside, he will paint it white for me.  I of course will cover it with roses and ivy and a pretty faux bird.
On Valentine's evening, I took Scott out for dinner to one of our favorite places.  It's where he took me on our first date!  He had some kind of steak and I had Taco salad.

It was a lovely day and a lovely weekend!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!


Yes, I made cupcakes!  These are Chocolate with Cream Cheese Frosting.  Yum!  Don't you just love pink?
My husband is taking me to a Flea Market this morning.  I'm on a quest for more old paper items.  I'm also looking for a metal magazine holder.  Something old and shabby.  Junking in one of my favorite things to do!  Of course I'm always on the look out for things can use on my Crazy Quilts and anything else that catches my fancy.  I love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the bargin!  I'll let ya'll know what I find.

For now, have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Grand Canyon

Well, I was finally able to get to the dentist yesterday and had to have 2 teeth pulled.  Feels like The Grand Canyon in the back of my mouth!  I've had nothing but trouble with those 2 teeth since I was 14 so like mom said, it's probably for the best.  I've had teeth pulled before but not two next to each other.  It just feels weird.

I don't feel up to doing too much today so I'll head over to mom's and we'll play in her basement studio.  Nothing like glitter to ease pain!!!

I did finish up my first CQ Trinket Box Top:


This will go on a green box.  The next one is pink and will go on a pink box!  I haven't started that one yet but I do expect to have it completed this weekend.  I'm looking forward to putting them on the boxes and seeing how it looks!
Oh, quick note to Froggy:  Please drop me an email so I can reply to your messages!!!

Ok, I'm off to the Post Office and then mom's.  Have a great day everyone! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crazy Quilt Trinket Box Top

Well, as you can see, I've updated the template for my blog.  I still have some work to do on it like adding my favorite links and getting my recipes back in the sidebar but for now, I think I've done pretty well.

Looks like I could use some more Followers!  Anyone want to join in?

I started stitching on one of my little Trinket Box Crazy Quilt pieces yesterday:

Crazy Quilt Trinket Box Top

I'll start beading on this later today.  For now I'm rather tired.  Am waiting for the man to come and clean off my driveway!

Blog Layout Ungrade

Yes, I decided to take the plunge and upgrade my layout.  I can see where this is going to take me awhile to get it back to the way I want it.  I guess I'll have to keep playing with it little by little.  Hang in here with me while I work it out.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Isn't It Spring Yet?

I am sitting here next to my extra large window and I'm watching us get dumped on.  Although it sounds now like we won't get the 14 inches of snow that they were calling for yesterday.  I think the forecasters have dropped it to 8 inches.  Oh, I know there are places here in the US where there is more snow that what we have but I must say, I have had it with Winter! 

I woke up this morning with a toothache from hell and because of the weather conditions, there isn't a flipping thing I can do about it today!  So I've been taking Advil and trying to keep busy.  Yes, I needed more pain and another bill!  Like I haven't had enough of either in the past year and then some!  This too shall pass!

For anyone who hasn't seen snow in person, it's really not pretty!  It's a nuisance and after a day, it gets dirty and ugly and quite honestly, all that white is so depressing to look at!  I am very much looking forward to having green grass and leaves on the trees again.  Being able to sit outside on my deck or by my firepit.  Oh and not having to go outside with 10 tons of clothes on!   I keep telling myself that Spring is just around corner.  And I say God bless the day that I see my first Robin bird of the season!!!

My Garden Crazy Quilt project has certainly helped to keep me focused on nicer weather.  I finished up Block #7 the other day:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 7

Only 2 more blocks to go!  Although I'm taking a little break, I thought you'd like to see the completed blocks that I have done so far, all put together:

Flower Quilt Blocks

I'm not sure if I'm going to sash the blocks but I have decided on pink taffeta for the borders.  You know it has to be pink!

While I take a break from the Garden Quilt, I'll be stitching on a couple of small CQ's:

Box Cover Blocks

These little pieces are 5 inches square and will go on top of trinket boxes.  I just sewed them up this morning.  My Treadle machine was calling to me!  Gave my legs a good workout too!

I also added a few new things to the shop this morning.  First are my Marie Antoinette tags:

Marie Antoinette Tags

Yes, "Marie Mania" continues at Pam's house!  I made these on Saturday when I was at mom's.  I had planned on doing something else and then this idea popped into my head so I did this instead.  Oh and wait until you see what I have going at mom's now! 

And then mom made these little Easter pretties:

Tiny Easter Basket

I had a hard time taking photos of these.  The basket handles were in the way.  But they are so cute and sweet! 

Well, I'm off to stitch and wait for the snow to stop.  And maybe have some soup and 2 more Advil!

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Vintage Images

Basket Of Flowers Vintage Image

Scott took me up to Michael's and Borders this morning and when we got home, he helped me make 3 batches of Valentine cookies for the residents at the retirement center in town.  Silly me is so worried about getting to look through my new Artful Blogging and Where Women Create magazines that I packaged the cookies all up before taking photos!  Geez, I am so brainless sometimes! 

Anyway, I will take photos at mom's when we get our cookie bags put together.

For now, I have nothing terribly interesting to share with you but I have been meaning to post a link to Heidi's blog.  Heidi shares her beautiful and expansive collection of vintage ephemera on her blog.  If you're on dial-up like me, you'll want to load her site and then go get some thing to eat, something to drink and something to read while you wait.  But it is so well worth it!

Well, I'm off to flip through my magazines, stitch and watch my Marie Antoinette movie again.  I'm making Nachos for dinner tonight.  Scott celebrates the Superbowl and I celebrate the end of Football season!

Friday, February 05, 2010

Busy As A Bee!

Well, Spring is coming!  At least that's what I keep telling myself.  For my readers on the east coast, my heart goes out to you!  I'd be out of mind if we were getting that much snow.  Oh wait, been there, done that!  I do try to have a sense of humor about my depression experience! 

Anyway, I spent today listing things that mom and I made.  I didn't even get everything done before I had to say, "enough"!  I'm spent now so I'll be heading off shortly for a nice warm bubble bath and a few magazines.  I'll list the rest of our things over the weekend.

In the meantime, I thought I share photos of our creations.  First is my mom's latest St. Patrick's Day Tussy Mussy:

St Pats Day Tussy Mussy

Isn't she pretty?  And so cute with her little Irish Setter!

Next mom made some Easter ornaments:

Bunny Ornaments

And some Blanket Babies with Bunnies:

Blanket Baby Bunnies

Those are just so sweet!  and perfect for New Baby package tie on's!

My offereings are these pretty little Shamrock Ladies:

Shamrock Ladies

I did 4 of them but if you look closely (click on the images), you'll see that each one has a different Irish lady on it.  These were fun to make!

And this is my Piece De Resistance: 

Marie Antoinette Trinket Box

My Marie Antoinette Trinket Box!  Oh, how pleased I am with this!  And so much fun.  I used a ton of my vintage millinery flowers and some vintage rhinestones that I painstakingly took out of some junk jewelry that I bought at a flea market awhile back.

I have all sorts of new projects planned.  I have to keep a journal for my ideas now! 

Tomorrow will be another day with mom and flying glitter!  Ha, ha, ha!  After then bank and post office of course!

For now, I'll leave you with an update on Block #7 of my Garden Crazy Quilt:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 7

Not quite done yet.  Still a little ways to go.  Have a good evening everyone.  I think I'll have Scott order carry out.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Reclaiming My Mind

Ladies, I'm happy to say that today, has been the most normal feeling day I've had in well over a year!  Now, keep in mind, I said "most normal" rather than normal.  No, it's not gone yet.  I think I'll fall out of my chair and hit my head on something the day I realize that it is gone but for not being gone, it's definitely improving.  All this despite having to shovel snow, clean snow off my car and drive in snow this morning.  I can feel twinges of my normal emotions coming back. Just a little here and there. I feel grief off and on for my Garfield (am really, really noticing that he's not here now) and although I know I've always hated this time of year and esp. snow, I have pretty much been oblivious to my feelings of disliking it.  Until this morning.  Oooh, I hate shoveling and I hate driving in it!  And I say good because I actually felt something other than weirdness! 

With that said, I finished up my Marie Antoinette Trinket Box and will share photos soon.  It's gorgeous!  I used tons of my vintage millinery flowers on it and some vintage rhinestones and feathers and ooof!  So pretty!

I also worked up my 2010 Just Cross Stitch Ornament design and I stitched (early this morning) on Block #7 of my Garden Quilt:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 7

I've been experimenting with woven stitches.  I'm not 100% pleased with how they look at the moment but you know, the minute I get some beads in there, they'll look very cool.  You can see the first one worked in yellow and the 2nd one at the bottom right.

The blue floral trim is from a vintage baby dress that I bought at a flea market awhile back.  It was pretty beat up but the trim was in great shape so I bought for the trim and took the trim off.  You'd be surprised how much trim you can off of a little tiny baby dress!

BTW - Jo in NZ is back and she's starting on a new project.  Do hop over and take a peek.  It'll be great fun to watch Jo's progress on this quilt.  She's planning on getting quite crazy with it like I do.  I told her that my crazy quilting is just as crazy as my head!  :)

Monday, February 01, 2010

Cookies, Valentine's And Biscornu's

It's an interesting combination of topics, don't you think? 

I baked 2 batches of cookies yesterday morning:


Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies and Chocolate Orange Chocolate Chip Sugar Cookies.  I took some to my parent's house yesterday for my dad's birthday.  And whenever I bake, I fix up a couple of little bags for the 2 little kids across the street. 

These are not my Valentine cookies.  I won't start on those until the weekend.  Just a little treat with red & pink sprinkles!

And speaking of Valentine's, I only made one Valentine Card this year:

Valentine Card

I'm not into cards so much anymore.  I guess I discovered some other interesting things to put glitter on!  Ha, ha, ha!  You know me, all that glitters is gold!

Anyway, I worked up my Biscornu Of Month for February:

Biscornu Of The Month February

and that is now available here.

I'm out of steam for today.  I started a Marie Antoinette box but I don't have the energy to work on it at the moment.  I think I'll go stitch and listen to Food Channel.  I didn't do all that much today.  I made some soup and did some paperwork and laundry.  That's it.  Some days are better than others I guess.