
Friday, February 26, 2010

Brooches, Strawberry Cupcakes and More!

I have loads to things to share with you today.  Well, maybe not loads but some eye candy and some news.

First, I promised you brooches:


I took some small lace appliques, hand-dyed them, tacked them onto some heavy weight interfacing and then embellished with silk ribbon embroidery, beads & sequins. When they were done, I glued a piece of card stock to the back and then some flannel (couldn't find my felt) and added a pin back.  They're very sparkly and available in my Etsy shop.

Next, I'm sure you're all wondering what the plan was for the strawberries.  Well, here they are:


They look good enough to eat, don't they?  But they're not edible.  They're pincushions!  Oh, what a fun project this was!  It's really incredible to get an idea and bring it to life.  Not that cupcake pincushions haven't been made before, but I wanted to put strawberries on mine!  The cups are vintage tins.  I'd like to say that I sprayed them pink but I can't.  My father did it for me.  I'm spray paint challenged!  Ha, ha, ha!  Anyway, they're available in my Etsy shop as well.

I spent the day over at mom's and completed several more projects that I had started.  I had to let them sit overnight so the glue could dry.  I'll share those projects next week.

In the meantime, I wanted to share photos of some lovely gifts that I received this week.  First are these beautiful hankies from Judy:


Aren't they beautiful?  I just love vintage hankies!  Judy also sent me a copy of her choir's CD.  Oh, I just love choir music!  And she sent me an issue of Sew Beautiful.  Oh, I love that magazine.  Thank you, Judy for all the lovely gifts you sent to me!

I received another wonderful package this week as well:


These pretties were a gift from Mary Ann.  Beautiful hankies, crocheted pieces, appliques, lace and sequins.  And check out the gorgeous smocked piece!  I don't have anything like that in my stash.  I will be using that on something special.  Perhaps a new purse once my Crazy Garden Quilt is done!  Thank you so much MA.  It was a lovely surprise!

Finally for today, I have an announcement to make.  Due to the lack of interest in my Biscornu of the Month designs, I have decided to drop the project.  I apologize if this disappoints anyone.  I just feel that without the interest in the series, I could better spend my time creating other things. 

Well, that's my post for today.  I'm quite tired now so I think I'll go fill my tub with bubbles and relax. 


  1. Annie9:42 PM

    Pam, I love the brooches, and I got the ornament magazine and thanks a bunch for it and the little tuck in graph it was a great surprise, I have already picked several ornaments I want to make. Take care. Annie

  2. Anonymous1:05 AM

    oh I love your package!!! I absolutely LOVE that butterfly. It is so very pretty. What a nice gift.

    Ann Flowers

  3. Oh Pam, I am so disappointed that your monthly biscornu project didn't attract enough people to warrant you going ahead with it. (Now I know why you didn't want to carry out my request!). Well, I have your February one to come in the mail, and once that one is done, I will check out your Etsy site, as I know you have designed a heap of biscorno designs previously.
    Love those strawberry cupcakes! And the brooches are also beautiful.


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