
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Reclaiming My Mind

Ladies, I'm happy to say that today, has been the most normal feeling day I've had in well over a year!  Now, keep in mind, I said "most normal" rather than normal.  No, it's not gone yet.  I think I'll fall out of my chair and hit my head on something the day I realize that it is gone but for not being gone, it's definitely improving.  All this despite having to shovel snow, clean snow off my car and drive in snow this morning.  I can feel twinges of my normal emotions coming back. Just a little here and there. I feel grief off and on for my Garfield (am really, really noticing that he's not here now) and although I know I've always hated this time of year and esp. snow, I have pretty much been oblivious to my feelings of disliking it.  Until this morning.  Oooh, I hate shoveling and I hate driving in it!  And I say good because I actually felt something other than weirdness! 

With that said, I finished up my Marie Antoinette Trinket Box and will share photos soon.  It's gorgeous!  I used tons of my vintage millinery flowers on it and some vintage rhinestones and feathers and ooof!  So pretty!

I also worked up my 2010 Just Cross Stitch Ornament design and I stitched (early this morning) on Block #7 of my Garden Quilt:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 7

I've been experimenting with woven stitches.  I'm not 100% pleased with how they look at the moment but you know, the minute I get some beads in there, they'll look very cool.  You can see the first one worked in yellow and the 2nd one at the bottom right.

The blue floral trim is from a vintage baby dress that I bought at a flea market awhile back.  It was pretty beat up but the trim was in great shape so I bought for the trim and took the trim off.  You'd be surprised how much trim you can off of a little tiny baby dress!

BTW - Jo in NZ is back and she's starting on a new project.  Do hop over and take a peek.  It'll be great fun to watch Jo's progress on this quilt.  She's planning on getting quite crazy with it like I do.  I told her that my crazy quilting is just as crazy as my head!  :)


  1. Sandy G4:29 PM

    Yeah! A better day - I just knew it would get here for you! Block 7 is looking good. I like the woven stitches. The little white daisy trim - I had an empire dress with that trim on it (back in the '60s) Brought back some good memories. Hope that tomorrow is even better than today. :o)

  2. Hooray for you Pam! I knew it would come and that you would start having more better days, but I know it's hard to believe it will happen. I'm happy for you!
    The dress trim is lovely, btw.

  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Interesting post you got here. It would be great to read more concerning this theme. The only thing that blog misses is a few pics of some devices.
    Jeff Karver
    Phone Blocker


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