
Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Isn't It Spring Yet?

I am sitting here next to my extra large window and I'm watching us get dumped on.  Although it sounds now like we won't get the 14 inches of snow that they were calling for yesterday.  I think the forecasters have dropped it to 8 inches.  Oh, I know there are places here in the US where there is more snow that what we have but I must say, I have had it with Winter! 

I woke up this morning with a toothache from hell and because of the weather conditions, there isn't a flipping thing I can do about it today!  So I've been taking Advil and trying to keep busy.  Yes, I needed more pain and another bill!  Like I haven't had enough of either in the past year and then some!  This too shall pass!

For anyone who hasn't seen snow in person, it's really not pretty!  It's a nuisance and after a day, it gets dirty and ugly and quite honestly, all that white is so depressing to look at!  I am very much looking forward to having green grass and leaves on the trees again.  Being able to sit outside on my deck or by my firepit.  Oh and not having to go outside with 10 tons of clothes on!   I keep telling myself that Spring is just around corner.  And I say God bless the day that I see my first Robin bird of the season!!!

My Garden Crazy Quilt project has certainly helped to keep me focused on nicer weather.  I finished up Block #7 the other day:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 7

Only 2 more blocks to go!  Although I'm taking a little break, I thought you'd like to see the completed blocks that I have done so far, all put together:

Flower Quilt Blocks

I'm not sure if I'm going to sash the blocks but I have decided on pink taffeta for the borders.  You know it has to be pink!

While I take a break from the Garden Quilt, I'll be stitching on a couple of small CQ's:

Box Cover Blocks

These little pieces are 5 inches square and will go on top of trinket boxes.  I just sewed them up this morning.  My Treadle machine was calling to me!  Gave my legs a good workout too!

I also added a few new things to the shop this morning.  First are my Marie Antoinette tags:

Marie Antoinette Tags

Yes, "Marie Mania" continues at Pam's house!  I made these on Saturday when I was at mom's.  I had planned on doing something else and then this idea popped into my head so I did this instead.  Oh and wait until you see what I have going at mom's now! 

And then mom made these little Easter pretties:

Tiny Easter Basket

I had a hard time taking photos of these.  The basket handles were in the way.  But they are so cute and sweet! 

Well, I'm off to stitch and wait for the snow to stop.  And maybe have some soup and 2 more Advil!


  1. Your quilt blocks look so gorgeous together. I can't wait to see this done (but no pressure, LOL!!). Hey, I have a Singer treadle, too! Just bought it last summer and still have to buy a belt and give it a good cleaning. Love your Maries! Hugs, Cathy

  2. Awww...a toothache is absolutely NOT fun and then to have snow falling around you just adds insult to injury! I completely am there with you on the dislike for snow and there is supposed to be some headed this way later tonight. I think it's a good day to stay in tomorrow!!
    Your spring quilt is looking spectacular - just keep looking at it and remember that every day that passes is one day closer to the spring we long for.

  3. Your quilt is coming along really well, Pam. I'm so sorry about your tooth and the snow...hope both quit bothering you very soon! Take care!

  4. Love your Garden Spring quilt, it will be gorgeous sashed with pink. Bummer on the tooth-ache. those are never fun. Debbie (Maine)


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