
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Vintage Images

Basket Of Flowers Vintage Image

Scott took me up to Michael's and Borders this morning and when we got home, he helped me make 3 batches of Valentine cookies for the residents at the retirement center in town.  Silly me is so worried about getting to look through my new Artful Blogging and Where Women Create magazines that I packaged the cookies all up before taking photos!  Geez, I am so brainless sometimes! 

Anyway, I will take photos at mom's when we get our cookie bags put together.

For now, I have nothing terribly interesting to share with you but I have been meaning to post a link to Heidi's blog.  Heidi shares her beautiful and expansive collection of vintage ephemera on her blog.  If you're on dial-up like me, you'll want to load her site and then go get some thing to eat, something to drink and something to read while you wait.  But it is so well worth it!

Well, I'm off to flip through my magazines, stitch and watch my Marie Antoinette movie again.  I'm making Nachos for dinner tonight.  Scott celebrates the Superbowl and I celebrate the end of Football season!


  1. Thank you for the link! I just spent some time browsing the great images and I can see a few already that I'd like to play with.

  2. Hope you're staying warm as I hear you're due for more snow today? You all have had a tough winter!


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