
Monday, December 14, 2015

Crazy Quilt Quarterly Subscriptions Announcement

Hi everyone!  I wanted to make an announcement about subscriptions to Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  I've decided not to offer subscriptions for the 2016 year.  Magcloud does not offer an easy way to accept and order subscriptions.  It's very time consuming on my part to order each one individually.  I would rather spend that time gathering quality content for the publication.

If you had a subscription for the 2015 season, we are all caught up now.  So starting with the Spring 2016 issue, you'll have to order each issue individually.

I apologize for the inconvenience. 


Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Genealogy - A Tiny Breakthrough!

A person could lose their minds going through endless lists of names, dates, documents and websites.
But today, I had a twinge of luck!!!  While searching for my grandfathers birth record, (he was born in 1907 so I wouldn't have thought it to be so difficult to find), I managed, by accident or luck, to find out exactly where my great grandmother is buried.

From things that mom had told me, I thought she was buried in Chicago near Hyde Park.  Nope!  She's buried in Kendallville, Indiana!  That's where she died and that's where she's buried.  Knowing the screwiness in this part of my mom's family, I first thought she was perhaps sent back to Illinois for burial.  It wouldn't have surprised me!

Anyway, I know the exact cemetery, the section and the lot number. 

Researching family history can be at times, morbid and sad.  My great grandmother lived a very short life but I will tell you, the woman lived!!!

So do I by any chance have any readers who live in or near Kendallville, Indiana?  If so, please email me!  I could use some help, that is if you're willing to run to the cemetery and snap a photo for me.

I thought while I work on the research for this book, that I would take the time to do a little something nice for myself.  I started a little cross stitch sampler early this morning:

Okay, so it doesn't look like much yet but it will.  It has kitties on it!  And ya'll know I love kitties!!  I hand dyed the fabric and I'm using Sampler Threads to stitch this.

I will get back to crazy quilting but I've been enjoying a little cross stitch.

So stay tuned for updates on my "crazy" family research and to see the kitties on the sampler when I get that far.

Oh, and did I mention that Editor Extraordinaire, Mary Anne Richardson has graciously agreed to edit my great grandfathers biography?  Trust me, with Mary Anne doing the editing, it'll be very enjoyable to read!

Sunday, December 06, 2015

A Few Handmade Gifts

In between my family history hunting, I made a few little gifts for Christmas.  I just finished these up yesterday:

It's been awhile since I did any cross stitch and I thought a few little simple projects would be fun!  For the bottom two, I hand dyed my own fabric.  All of the trims are hand crocheted.  These were fun to do so I may do a couple of cross stitch ornaments for Valentines Day.

On the genealogy front, I'm stuck!!!  It seems that all the "stuckness" revolves around my great grandmother.  I have my father in law's family all the way back to 1500's England but I can't find my great grandmother's birth certificate, death certificate or burial place to save my life!  I know where she died, what she died from and when she died.  I know when she was born and according to the 1900 and 1910 census, she was born in Michigan.  But nothing is written in stone until I have a vital document so the search continues!

Friday, December 04, 2015


You can do anything, but you can't do everything!

A few months back, my mom asked if I would do some research on a few members of her family.  Specifically, her grandmother and grandfather.  I said sure, thinking it would be a piece of cake.  Little did I know!

Putting a family tree together can be a lot of fun, especially these days with so many resources available online!  Obviously, I started with myself and worked my way back through the generations.

My mom's maternal grandparents easily fell into place.  Both sets of my dad's grandparents easily fell into place.  I knew their history anyway.  I've been hearing it since I was little and it all laid out pretty much as I had been told.

My father in laws family went as planned too.  I've mentioned this a few times here but in case you didn't know, my husband is related to the Kellogg's of Battle Creek.  W.K. Kellogg (who invented cornflakes) is my husband's 4th great uncle.  Pretty cool huh?  Yep, that part of my tree laid out just as I was told.  Piece of cake!

And then there are my mom's paternal grandparents.  The ones she wanted information on.  OMG!  I had no idea what I was getting myself into!  The research, the mysteries, the questions, the elusive information due to name changes, multiple marriages, the missing 1890 census...the list goes on.  All I can say at the moment is SOAP OPERA!

Although I'm little by little putting the pieces together (with quite a few surprises along the way), it's been a slow process.  I've been working between several different genealogy sites and thank goodness for newspaper archives!  I've run into quite a few brick walls but I've been breaking them down, one by one.

So why am I telling you all this?  First, because I haven't been around much lately, 2nd because I haven't had a lot of stitching to share lately and 3rd, because I've decided, with all the work I've put into this, that I'm going to put together a book about my great grandparents.

Okay, so you're probably thinking "boring"!!!  No, no, no!!!  There is nothing boring about these 2 people.  I had no idea and neither did my mom!

I think putting a book together on my great grandparents will be a really fun project and I'll share more information as I go along.   They both lived quite the interesting life!

Between doing the family research, working on the magazine and taking care of my house and cats, I haven't done too much stitching.  I did a few simple little cross stitch ornaments.  I like to stitch in the morning while I watch the news and drink coffee.

And I did get a couple of projects completely finished up:

So that's what I'm doing these days!

And while I'm here, if I have any readers from the Newark/Licking Ohio area who might be interested in answering a few questions for me, could I ask you to email me please?

Okay, I'm off to break down another brick wall!

Friday, November 20, 2015

New Set Of Crazy Quilt Templates by Sharon B

Okay, a little more blog hopping and I found that Sharon B has just released another set of 4 Crazy Templates!  I use her original set all the time!

I'll be ordering my set this weekend!  Visit Sharon's Pintangle blog for details!

2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar by Pat Winter

I just had a few free moments to actually catch up on some blog reading!  Pat Winter has released her 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar:

Everyone needs a calendar and speaking for myself, I have 3 of them here every year for various things!  To order Pat's calendar, click here.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

2017 Crazy Quilt Calendar Contest!!!

Exciting news!  We've decided to hold a contest to choose the designs for the 2017 Crazy Quilt Calendar which will be released on September 1, 2016!

We're hoping to get a lot of entries so please read below for all the details and please help to spread the word!

Click on the image to read it comfortably!

Sunday, November 08, 2015

New Crazy Quilt Book by Kathy Shaw

For anyone who just can't get enough information on the art of Crazy Quilting (that's all of us right?),
Kathy Shaw is now taking pre-orders for her new book, "Crazy Quilting - Beyond The Basics".

This is Volume 1 of a set of four.  Kathy is taking pre-orders on a 30% discount from what Amazon will list it for.  The launch date is 1 the price will go up on Etsy on that date too.   You can "reserve a copy" at the discounted rate now.

Please hop over to Kathy's blog to learn more.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine Winter 2015 is now Available!

Also, I've ordered all subscription copies.  If you have a subscription, it should arrive in about a week to 10 days.

Monday, October 05, 2015

Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine WINTER 2015 Sneak Peek

I thought you would enjoy a sneak peek of the Winter 2015 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine:

This issue will be available on November 1st!

Thursday, October 01, 2015

2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar Cover Block For Sale

I am offering the cover block from the 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar for sale:

I just can't keep everything that I make!  The block is entirely handmade and hand embroidered by me.  It is approx. 8 inches high X 11 inches wide.  This piece is heavily embroidered and embellished.  It features Broidery Perse, shibori silk ribbon, lace appliques, beadwork, and lots of pretty little embellishments.  The swan is hand appliqued.  There is a little beetle brooch and a flower brooch on this piece.

It is not finished into anything.  It is just the block.  I am asking $150.00 for this piece and that includes the postage.

If you would like to purchase this block, please email me and I will send you a Paypal invoice.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Attention Crazy Quilters! Submissions Wanted!!

I'm wrapping up the Winter issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine tomorrow and plan to start on the Spring issue next week. 

I'm looking for hearts, bunnies, shamrocks and anything else with a Spring feel.  Photos, tutorials, projects.....all are welcome for consideration. 

Please send your submissions to my email address.

(Sorry, these are no longer available.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar - Thank you To My Contributors!

I thought I would take a few minutes to thank all the lovely, and very talented ladies who so generously took the time to contribute to the 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar. I will post each block so everyone can see the beautiful work that went into this publication.

January - Susan Elliott

February - Karen Ruane


August - Susan Shufelt

September - Holly Thompson

October - Kathleen Klein

November - Valerie Bothell

Please take a moment to click on everyone's name and visit their websites to see more of their gorgeous work!  
Again, ladies thank you so much for your contributions!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Autumn Blackwork Cat - Free Cross Stitch Pattern

I was looking for something on my computer and came across a few of my free cross stitch patterns.  This one was always a favorite of mine so I thought I would offer again here.  I'm sure there a few cross stitchers out there would enjoy it! 

Just right click on it and save it to your hard drive.  It's a JPEG so print it using any graphic software.

This would be gorgeous with crazy quilting worked around the outside of it!  It would make a lovely fall pillow!

And just as a reminder, please don't post the pattern anywhere else on the internet.  I do own the copyright on it!

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Blog Give Away

I'm cleaning out a few things here but some of my things are pretty nice and I don't want to just give them to Good Will.  I'd rather give them away here to someone who would really enjoy having them.

Today's give away is for a little collection of decorative shoes:

The 3 shoes on the left are glass or ceramic.  I bought them years ago at flea markets.  The pink one to the right is handmade.

Also included is a really pretty (and rather expensive) glass Christmas Plum Pudding tree ornament.

The first person to leave a comment here and send me an email can have them.  I will pay for postage.  USA only please.

I have more things, which I'll post as I have time but for now, these little things are really pretty.

UPDATE:  These are spoken for.  I'll have another give away soon!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Our Fallen Officer

I'd like to send my prayers and thoughts to the family and friends of our fallen police officer, Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz, a 32-year veteran of the force who died yesterday in the line of duty in Fox Lake, Illinois.  We live 20 minutes from Fox Lake and the community heartbreak is strongly felt in our area today.

Monday, August 31, 2015

2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar Is Now Available!

The 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar is now available at Magcloud!


This year's artists are:
January - Susan Elliott
February - Karen Ruane
March - Janet Stauffacher
April - Rengin Yazitas
May - Marci Hainkel
June - Shirlee Fassell
July - Annette Graves
August - Susan Shufelt
September - Holly Thompson
October - Kathleen Klein
November - Valerie Bothell
December - Margreet De Reus
And the cover design is by me, Pamela Kellogg

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Coming Soon...The 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar!

The 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar will be released on September 1st!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Milagro Millie!

She is doing so very well!  She gained a pound in the first 2 weeks that had her here, her icky boo-boo is finally closed up and the fur is growing back.  I got the results of the bloodwork today and she's just fine!  We can introduce her to the others now!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Another Give Away

I've been going through my stash of things here and I'm trying to clear out a few things.  I'll be having some give aways over the next few weeks because I'm sure there's someone out there who can use these things.

Today's give away is a set of 3 Cross Stitch Christmas Trees.  I did these with the intention of making Crazy Quilt ornaments with them but as you know, I've since decided to stop doing Etsy.

So I thought I would offer these as a give away:

This is my own original pattern.  They can be sewn up into ornaments or worked into Crazy Quilt pieces.

The first person who leaves a comment AND drops me an email, can have them.  I will pay for postage.

UPDATE:  These are spoken for!  Sheila, I'll send them out to you as soon as you email your address to me!

I'll have another give away later this week.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Give Away!

I have a couple of Crazy Quilt blocks that I don't feel like sewing together.  I just wanted to make them to use the little pictures!  LOL!!

Anyway, I'm giving these 2 away free of charge, as a set.  I will pay for postage.  They are stitched but not finished into anything:

The first person to leave a comment on this post can have them.  Please leave your comment and then drop me an email and I can mail them out in tomorrow's mail (Tuesday).

UPDATE:  The first person to post a comment was Joyce Carter.  Joyce, I will reply to your email.

Thank you everyone!  I will have another Give Away next week.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

The Kitten Has A Name!

First, I want to thank everyone from my blog and Facebook who kindly took the time to send kitten name suggestions to us.  We had a huge list to choose from but, Scott and I came up with one ourselves that really seemed to fit her.

No worries though!  There are still prizes!  I will get to that in a moment.  In the meantime, I kept calling her, "mi gatita de milagro", Spanish for "My Little Miracle Cat".  She's really done great this past week and has made a miraculous come back from being malnourished and dehydrated to being healthy and playful!

Since "Milagro" is kind of a big name for such a tiny little kitty, we decided to go with "Millie" for short.

I don't think anyone suggested that name but please correct me if I'm wrong.  I went through my lists from both my blog and Facebook about 3 times, just to be sure.

So, Scott and I decided to put everyone's name in a bowl and have a drawing.  Since we had so many nice people leave us suggestions, we put the names of the people who suggested kitten names from Facebook in one bowl and then the names of the people who suggested kitten names from my blog in another bowl.  Scott drew a name from each bowl so 2 calendars will be given away as prizes.

Here are the winning names!

From my blog:  Nicki Lee Seavey

From Facebook:  Peggy Brooks

Ladies, I will contact you both shortly and will have your calendars sent you next week!

Thank you again to everyone who sent in suggestions. 

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Update On Kitten

Our little rescue has been with us for a week now and what a difference a week makes!

Scott took this photo last night.  Her eyes have cleared up, they don't tear anymore.  Her little (icky) boo-boo is getting smaller.  She's playing now, cleaning herself and she's talking.

I gave her a bath the day before yesterday and combed her out real good so now she smells nice.

We're pretty sure we've picked a name so I will plan to announce it over the weekend.

I took this little video of her this morning.  Enjoy!

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Name The Kitten Contest!

Would ya'll be surprised if I told you that we have another cat?  Scott found this tiny, malnourished, pitiful soul in the parking lot at work last week:

He brought her home Thursday night.  She is so little and just skin & bones.  I took her to see Dr. Patti first thing on Friday morning.  I must tell you, that was quite the experience which I will get into in a moment.

She's approx. 7 - 8 weeks old and weights 1 1/2 pounds.  She had fleas (of course) and probably worms.  Dr. Patti treated her for both.

She had another issue as well and if you're squimmish, just skip the next paragraph.  I have heard of this but I have never seen it in person.  And I don't care to see it ever again.

Dr Patti found a lump on her neck/chest.  At first she thought it was some sort of an infection.  No, it was not an infection, it was a Botfly Larvae living under the baby's skin.  She pulled it out with a tweezer and I just about died.  This all happened so fast and I was so incredibly grossed out over it!  This thing left a hole in the baby's skin that almost the size of a dime!  This thing is called a Cuterebra and basically, it's a giant maggot.  Discusting!  If you want to read more about it, here is a link.  The article is quite humorous to help with the gross out factor but I will warn you, there are pictures.

Okay, so enough of that.  I'll get back to the cuteness!!!

She's doing very well today now.  She's on antibiotics.  She's eating very well, she was playing, she was chattering and meowing this morning and she discovered her tail!

We are going to keep her.  After I nurse her back to health, there's no way I'll be able to part with her.  But there's one little problem.  Scott and I can't agree on a name!

So, I decided to have a contest!  Send me kitty names!  Just leave your suggestions and ideas in the comment section on my blog.  Feel free to send as many as you would like.  Try to keep your ideas not too cutsy though.  Scott doesn't like cutsy.  Men!

We can of course only choose one name but when we do choose one, the winning name will receive a complimentary copy of the upcoming 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar:

I will announce the name that we choose on August 16th.  If a name is suggested by more than 1 person and we choose that name, the first person who suggested it will be winner.

Please share this contest on your blog and other social media places.  Scott needs a lot of ideas to choose from.  Remember, he's a man!  A good one, but still a man!