
Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Genealogy - A Tiny Breakthrough!

A person could lose their minds going through endless lists of names, dates, documents and websites.
But today, I had a twinge of luck!!!  While searching for my grandfathers birth record, (he was born in 1907 so I wouldn't have thought it to be so difficult to find), I managed, by accident or luck, to find out exactly where my great grandmother is buried.

From things that mom had told me, I thought she was buried in Chicago near Hyde Park.  Nope!  She's buried in Kendallville, Indiana!  That's where she died and that's where she's buried.  Knowing the screwiness in this part of my mom's family, I first thought she was perhaps sent back to Illinois for burial.  It wouldn't have surprised me!

Anyway, I know the exact cemetery, the section and the lot number. 

Researching family history can be at times, morbid and sad.  My great grandmother lived a very short life but I will tell you, the woman lived!!!

So do I by any chance have any readers who live in or near Kendallville, Indiana?  If so, please email me!  I could use some help, that is if you're willing to run to the cemetery and snap a photo for me.

I thought while I work on the research for this book, that I would take the time to do a little something nice for myself.  I started a little cross stitch sampler early this morning:

Okay, so it doesn't look like much yet but it will.  It has kitties on it!  And ya'll know I love kitties!!  I hand dyed the fabric and I'm using Sampler Threads to stitch this.

I will get back to crazy quilting but I've been enjoying a little cross stitch.

So stay tuned for updates on my "crazy" family research and to see the kitties on the sampler when I get that far.

Oh, and did I mention that Editor Extraordinaire, Mary Anne Richardson has graciously agreed to edit my great grandfathers biography?  Trust me, with Mary Anne doing the editing, it'll be very enjoyable to read!


  1. Oh my goodness - Editor Extraordinaire now? All these titles are soon going to go to my head!!

  2. Hi Pamela. Isn't it awesome when you find out something about your family that you didn't know? I researched my family a couple of years ago and I was so surprised by what I learned. Thankfully, my cousin had already done all the research so there was a lot of info that I found that he posted. Some of it I had heard from my parents, but a lot was new to me. What surprised me the most was learning that after coming from England, they had migrated from Virginia to Georgia and settled in the same area that I am now living in. How cool is that?
    Have fun researching and I hope you find a lot of cool stuff, too.

  3. Tracking down one's ancestors has become a big craze in recent years! Up to a few years ago, in Australia, if your ancestors were convicts on the First Fleet that arrived here, it was something to be ashamed of. But not now - people boast that they are descended from the first English settlers here, regardless of their convict background! I can't claim that fame though, as my father's grandfather didn't come here until 1860. He came with his brothers for the gold rush.


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