
Sunday, August 02, 2015

Name The Kitten Contest!

Would ya'll be surprised if I told you that we have another cat?  Scott found this tiny, malnourished, pitiful soul in the parking lot at work last week:

He brought her home Thursday night.  She is so little and just skin & bones.  I took her to see Dr. Patti first thing on Friday morning.  I must tell you, that was quite the experience which I will get into in a moment.

She's approx. 7 - 8 weeks old and weights 1 1/2 pounds.  She had fleas (of course) and probably worms.  Dr. Patti treated her for both.

She had another issue as well and if you're squimmish, just skip the next paragraph.  I have heard of this but I have never seen it in person.  And I don't care to see it ever again.

Dr Patti found a lump on her neck/chest.  At first she thought it was some sort of an infection.  No, it was not an infection, it was a Botfly Larvae living under the baby's skin.  She pulled it out with a tweezer and I just about died.  This all happened so fast and I was so incredibly grossed out over it!  This thing left a hole in the baby's skin that almost the size of a dime!  This thing is called a Cuterebra and basically, it's a giant maggot.  Discusting!  If you want to read more about it, here is a link.  The article is quite humorous to help with the gross out factor but I will warn you, there are pictures.

Okay, so enough of that.  I'll get back to the cuteness!!!

She's doing very well today now.  She's on antibiotics.  She's eating very well, she was playing, she was chattering and meowing this morning and she discovered her tail!

We are going to keep her.  After I nurse her back to health, there's no way I'll be able to part with her.  But there's one little problem.  Scott and I can't agree on a name!

So, I decided to have a contest!  Send me kitty names!  Just leave your suggestions and ideas in the comment section on my blog.  Feel free to send as many as you would like.  Try to keep your ideas not too cutsy though.  Scott doesn't like cutsy.  Men!

We can of course only choose one name but when we do choose one, the winning name will receive a complimentary copy of the upcoming 2016 Crazy Quilt Calendar:

I will announce the name that we choose on August 16th.  If a name is suggested by more than 1 person and we choose that name, the first person who suggested it will be winner.

Please share this contest on your blog and other social media places.  Scott needs a lot of ideas to choose from.  Remember, he's a man!  A good one, but still a man!


  1. I would name her Stitch!

  2. My Sarah suggested Murky. I like Aggie.

  3. Eliza--from ragamuffin little scrap to a beautiful little lady
    Tabitha--bewitching little kitty she is
    Parker--found in a parking lot.. but moved on

  4. Just because of her color and the circumstance of her being found I think you should call her Ghost.


  5. How about Mina (Mee-nah). It's German for "little love" which she is. :)

  6. How about Annie (after little orphan Annie) Blessings

  7. Hmmmm............She looks like a WHINNIE, to me. 😄😀😘😸

  8. how about ( Pussy ) Willow for the new kitty 😊

  9. Hmmm....she looks like a WHINNIE, to me.

  10. Hmmm....she looks like a WHINNIE, to me.

  11. Hi Pam, She looks like a cutie.I only have dogs, but maybe Gracie or Lotty.
    We had the same problem in December when my husband adopted a rescue lab, he couldn't decide on a name for her. Good luck with her!

  12. Ashley, as in grey ashes, or Sweet Annie...

  13. Hi Pam you are such a kind sole, I'm sure she is going to be very happy in your home. When I saw her, she reminded me of a cat we owned many years ago when I was a child, his name was Mr Tibbs, but you could call her Miss Tibbs.

    Opal was another cat we had and Pywatcket was another. Our other animals are Rosey, Ally (short for Alison) and Tatum.

    Enjoy her, she is lovely.

  14. Gwendolyn is her name!

  15. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Hazel for those eyes!

  16. Name her Friday(sound' s better than Thursday) since that's when you "officially" decided to keep her. She can be Friday's child!

  17. Hello Pam and Scott:
    Here's a few to kick off with:
    Karma, Velvet, Mystique, Misty, Felicity.....
    Hope you get lots of choices. Bless you both for looking
    after this sweet little soul.

    Cheers, Leonie

  18. Love this little kitty and I would call her Babycakes. Theresa

  19. Poor little thang. In no time she will never remember her past life only the love and adoration from her new mommy. My suggestion for a name "Precious"

  20. I'd be tempted to name her Lucky! She is so fprtunate to have found you; I can see why you want to keep her as she's adorable.

  21. awwww - poor wee thing! She's so lucky that Scott found her and that she has a special home to now call her own. I have a few names that might be good ones for her.... Hideki (meaning splendid opportunity...and that's what she has now in her new home); Hiroki (meaning abundant joy); Emi (meaning beautiful blessing); and Birkita (meaning strength). Hopefully none of these is too feminine for Scott!

  22. Zoey. Means life and you certainly saved hers. Bless your heart for saving this tiny angel. The bot fly sounded nearly as large as kitty is.

  23. I forgot to check the follow up comments box.


  24. Shadow, as he or she will follow you for life:)

  25. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Ms. (of course) Softy (because she is silky soft) Scruff (because that was the first thing I thought about her (in a good way)... :)
    So her everyday name would be Scruff (of course), but she would have this other name for when company comes to visit.
    BTW, she is heartmeltingly beautiful and will love you forever for choosing you to be her forever home. xox

  26. At first glance, I thought she should be named Dusty. What a lucky girl to have been found and saved and cherished. She will love you forever.

  27. Hello: I love cats and have nursed/rescued/adopted over 40 in my life. (No, not at the same time, lol) I look at this precious little girl and I think of a lot of different names.
    So, here is what I thought of:
    Sapphire, Alanna, Emily, Lindy, Sunny, Petra, LuvBug, Elora, Eve, and Rachel.
    Have a wonderful day!

  28. Shadow is what I first thought of, also Whisper would be a nice name for this cutie :)

  29. She is gorgeous! So glad you have taken her in. She looks like a Smokie Jo to me. xx

  30. You already named her cuteness how about nessy for short x

  31. Serendipity, abig name for a little kitten I know but perhaps dipity for means lucky chance and it was her lucky day when she found you!

  32. How about Annie (after little orphan Annie) She's so sweet and so lucky to have found you. Blessings

  33. How sweet that he brought the kitty home. How gross that she had a ...maggot!! How wonderful that she is no longer homeless.

    Smokey would be a good choice because of her color. But I seriously like... RIZZ named for my favorite Cub this season. Or could be for that character in Grease. Hey Hubs, don't you LOVE the name RIZZ!!!!

    Have a great day to all of you.
    xx, Carol

  34. Alison Smith6:45 AM

    Call the kitten "Lottie"after the car lot she was found in, like Paddington was named after the London station he was found in!

  35. Perdita (or you could say Perdy for short): "that which was lost is now found", is a young woman in Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" and sounds like a good name for a once-stray cat.

  36. What a darling kitty. How about Smoke? She is that smoky grey.

  37. Or Smoky - that seems to roll off the tongue better. :)

  38. Smokey or shadow enjoy your cute little baby

  39. I would call her Storm, her first few weeks of life were stormy and her color looks like a storm cloud. And after she gets healthy your house will probably look like a storm went through it. She is in my prayers for a full and quick recovery.

  40. Wat een zielig maar snoezig hoopje, gelukkig dat jullie het adopteren.
    Ik zou het Daisy noemen.

  41. Smokey or Midnight

  42. I think your beautiful little kitten looks like a WISP! She's just a little wisp of a kitten! So cute! I wish you the best of luck with her and thank God you did find her!

  43. Anonymous2:52 PM

    She is adorable! I like lots of names that have already been proposed, but the first thing I thought of was Ragdoll.

    Cris in MT

  44. I suggest Amber, for her beautiful eyes and perhaps just a little for the fact that she had a trapped insect...

  45. How about Allison, Allie for short

  46. Sherry Mesick5:41 PM

    She is hairy like a Hobbitt. So why not Frodo!

  47. I think she is thinking Yes, I finally have a family to love me! So I say we should name her Yesta. My email is Enjoy your new fur baby, she is a cutie!


  48. Your sweet kitty baby reminds me of one of the feral kittens we looked after . We called our kitten Miss Grey.
    Nice to know there are caring people who take the time to rescue a sweet baby kitten, who without your help would not have survived and would have suffered terribly.

  49. Bless you for saving another one; we can never keep up. I've seven rescued house cats and won't go into the rest of the animals. I'm "that" crazy woman although I do take offense at the title "crazy".

  50. I would call this beautiful kitty, 'Spirit', she has lots of it!
    What a lucky kitty to have a home with you and your family! xxx

  51. I KNEW you'd keep her, of course. We cat people just understand these things. I love the names Darla or Portia ("Por-sha") for nice but not cutesy names.

  52. Lady Jane Greystoke (after the heroine of the Tarzan movies - Found and saved in the jungle! Per Wikipedia, she develops from a damsel in distress to a competent and capable adventuress!

  53. How about "Rockie" since you all are fighting for her to live ! Rescue's are the best!

  54. Reminds me of Anne of Green Gables. Rachel Lynde said she looked "terribly skinny and homely"at first but she became a real beauty when she fattened up and got some love.

  55. She's precious, she is definitely strong and remind me of a lynx with those ears :) love her so how about Lynx or Lexus

  56. Theodore, with teddy as nickname; he reminds me of a fluffy Teddy bear. He now has a wonderful forever home!

  57. Call her Spike for she looks like she has a spike hairdo. Sweet kitten. Barb W, MO

  58. SUKI (means the one who is loved)

  59. She's adorable! I'm suggesting Lucky, because of her circumstances or Heather, because of her color.

  60. Oh my! Been following you on Facebook. Just now caught you were having a contest. I had posted that I thought Sterling would be a great name. Would be good for boy or girl. I just love her color and she is precious just like the metal. Kitty is so sweet. Happy she found you both.

  61. How about Bliss........or Annabelle? She is so cute!

  62. Anonymous3:52 PM

    How about Phoebe or Phoenix.

    Greetings Maria


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