
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Blog Give Away

I'm cleaning out a few things here but some of my things are pretty nice and I don't want to just give them to Good Will.  I'd rather give them away here to someone who would really enjoy having them.

Today's give away is for a little collection of decorative shoes:

The 3 shoes on the left are glass or ceramic.  I bought them years ago at flea markets.  The pink one to the right is handmade.

Also included is a really pretty (and rather expensive) glass Christmas Plum Pudding tree ornament.

The first person to leave a comment here and send me an email can have them.  I will pay for postage.  USA only please.

I have more things, which I'll post as I have time but for now, these little things are really pretty.

UPDATE:  These are spoken for.  I'll have another give away soon!


  1. These are so cute. I don't want to win them, but wanted to leave a note to say that I think you are so thoughtful and generous. Very nice of you to give this away. I'm sure the lst person to claim them will treasure them always.


  2. I would love to own these. I will pay for postage.

  3. Cool ceramic shoes. They'd make great pin cushions. It's so hard to give some things to a thrift store if you think you can find a crafter to use them. I'm currently cleaning Terry's closets to gift clothes to a half-way house. Shhhhh, don't tell Terry...he saves EVERYTHING!!


Hello! And thank you for leaving me a comment. I love to reply personally to each and every message but I can only do so if your email address is public. If not, please know that I truly appreciate the time you took to leave me a message.