
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Crazy Quilt Seam Embroidery

I haven't been doing much in the way of stitching lately.  I've taken some time to work on my family tree and I've been having a great time with that despite being so incredibly stuck on my 3rd great grandmother!

I've also taken some time to do some reading.  There's been a lot of books on my "want to read" list so every afternoon around 3:30, I make a cup of tea and read a few chapters.

I love history so my current read is "Killing Lincoln" by Bill O'Reilly.  This also helps to put me in the 1800's "state of mind" which is where I'm focused right now on the family tree. 

In thinking about when I get back to stitching, I thought I'd start working up a few seam treatment patterns.  Most of you know that I mostly use Waste Canvas to embroider the seams on my crazy quilts and when I get a bee in my bonnet about some new ones, I chart them out on my computer.

For today, I have 3 flower borders that I thought I would share here in case I have any waste canvas girls out there!

Right click on the image and save to your computer then print it up and enjoy!  If you use these, please send me photos!!!  I may include them in an upcoming issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine!


  1. Reading with a cup of tea at a set time every day sounds delightful. Thank you for the seam treatment ideas. They are lovely!

  2. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Thanks so much for these designs, Pam. I'm still a klutz at waste canvas, but I do come back and try every once in a while! I love genealogy. It's the greatest mystery in the world, following from clue to clue to find people and put them in the right place. It's so exciting when I also find out something ABOUT them. I feel like I get to know them, and look forward to meeting them hereafter.


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