
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Valentine For Mom

Well, my new computer is down again!  Every time I get a Windows update I have trouble getting it to reboot!  Win 8.01 is the worst version I've ever seen!  I have the Geek Squad coming later this afternoon to fix it and to upgrade to Windows 10.  I pray that takes care of the problem once and for all.  Honestly, I'd love to go back to Windows 98 or even XP.  I never had a stitch of trouble with either one of those versions!

Anyway, I'm on my "slower than Molasses" laptop right now.  I thought I would share a photo of the little cross stitch ornament that I made for my mom for Valentine's Day:

It's a little complimentary design that I found online.  I used Sampler Threads to stitch and some metallic blending filament in the peacock.  I hand dyed the fabric myself.

I just finished reading Killing Lincoln.  Excellent book!  One of the best I've read in many years!!!  There was a lot more going on than what I knew about!

On the genealogy front, I'm still stuck on my 3rd great grandmother, my great, great grandmother and my great grandmother.  I really don't know where else to look for more information on them.  My 3rd great grandmother was a cousin of General William T. Sherman of the Civil War.  I can't say that I'm bouncing off the walls over that, I'm just trying to figure out who her father was.  I thought if I could figure that detail out with my 3rd great grandmother, then perhaps I could figure out what the deal is with my great great grandma Phoebe and my great grandma Adria.

I guess I'll work on that for a little while.  But first I have to the get the stupid tax stuff together.


  1. So pretty! I'd recognize that Kissy Cross design anywhere!

  2. What a lovely Valentine's Day gift. I have to say, I like Windows 10 much better than Windows 8. I hope it works better for you!

  3. I had Win 8 right before I retired on my computer at work and I hated it. For Christmas, I bought Terry a laptop with 10 so I could see if I liked it, since MS wants me to update my Win 7 to Win 10 for free. Think I'll keep 7 for as long as I can. I hate the APP thing. Hope this update solves your issues. Can't live without our computers, can we? Well, I guess we CAN, but not as easily.
    xx, Carol


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