
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Welcome Bleu!

As most you know, I'm one of those Crazy Cat people.  My husband Scott is too.  We've been wanting one more little kitty to love so on Saturday, we went to Animal House Shelter in Huntley, Illinois.  I confess, I have a hard time doing this.  They're all deserving, they all need good homes and they're all so beautiful!  But we can only take care of so many and 4 has always been comfortable for us so, after quite awhile, we adopted this little one:

He's a Russian Blue so we named him Bleu.  Spelled the French way!  When he's a big boy, he should have bright green emerald eyes.

Bleu took to Scott immediately.  They just seemed to bond right away.  Bleu is very playful, very intelligent, very active and very vocal!

Lucy and Wrigley seemed fine about this after a day or so but little Cotton is still trying to get used to the idea.  He's been the baby for over a year now and I'm not sure he's willing to relinquish that role but after a few days, he does seem to be warming up to the little one.  I think I only heard one hiss out of Cotton today!

In other news, my room is pink!  I found a nice white desk over at Staples last week which I ordered and it should be here this week.  I also found this pretty slip cover for my computer chair at Amazon:

I may have to alter it slightly to fit my chair but I know I can do that.  Honestly, can anyone tell me why they insist on making computer chairs in boring black leather?  I just can't stand black furniture!  It stands out like a sore thumb in my little pink room.  So anyway, I'm going to order this cover and it should look quite nice in here.  All I have left to do is the stenciling which I'll get to once I have everything back in place.  But I'll get some photos of the wall color in the next day or so. I'm just about done putting my things back and I have my valance hung so it's looking good!

Finally for today, I have a pretty little Christmas Door Pillow that mom made:

I know mom is working on some more Christmas things including some little gingerbread man ornaments.  I still have 3 purses to put together but it's not looking like I'll be getting to the finishing until next week. 


  1. Oh Bleu is SOOOOO gorgeous and I'm SOOOO jealous!! Please give him special lovings from me.

  2. Bleu is beautiful. His eyes look like they have been lined in black eyeliner. He's a lucky kitty to have found you.

  3. Welcome Bleu!
    When I worked in the clinics in Nottingham, one of the consultants who knew I was a crazy cat lady, was always trying to get me to have one of his kittens, he and his wife bred Russian blues. I never succumbed as I always had at least 4 cats of my own and 1,2 or more foster cats.
    I would love a 'Bleu' but, don't want to upset Lucy cat, she's already having to put up with a neighbours' cat who just swans in and eats all of her food! xxx

  4. Bleu is a beautiful cat! Have a nice life all of you!

  5. Love that new kitty! Our cats still hiss at each other after 7 years!!

  6. Love the new kitty and love your computer chair! I am with you! I really can't stand all that new stark black furniture! I think it is the European influence--they have small rooms and simple suits that. I like "character"!


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