
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New Computer Is On It's Way!

Well, I have loads of news to share with you today!  First, I decided on a different chair cover for my ugly, black (but very comfortable office chair).  The one I posted last week just wasn't quite what I was looking for.  Instead, I went with this brighter, more cottage style chair cover:

I may have alter it a bit to fit my office chair but I think it'll work nicely and it will certainly look better than this boring black leather!

My new white desk arrived and Scott has that all put together.  I think it'll look nicer than the artificial wood desk that I've been using since 1996!  Yes, I will take pictures when everything is back in order here!

In other news, I ordered my new computer from Dell!!!!  I know I was dragging my feet.  It's so overwhelming to get a new computer.  Especially when it comes to setting it all up and transferring files from the old one to the new one.  But it occurred to me to ask Dell if they offer an installation service and yes!!!!  They do!!!!!  So I spent the few extra dollars and they will come and set it all up, transfer my files, add my printer and scanner, install my software and then all I have to do is turn it on and get back to work!  What a relief that is to me!  I was dreading having to do all that.

Everything should be here by Thanksgiving!  Now I feel excited about it all!

Unfortunately, my refrigerator went out the other day.  Okay, talk about "not exciting"!!!  So Monday night, Scott and I went up to Home Depot and bought a new one.  It's arriving tomorrow.  At the moment we have everything on ice in coolers out in my mudroom which isn't heated (it will be someday) so it's plenty cold out there but certainly a great big fat pain in the butt!

Speaking of cold, yes, it's Winter now.  We had snow flurries again this morning.  I already miss sitting out on my deck everyday.  But I guess in time, Spring will come again.

I have been stitching but not as much as normal due to all the commotion with getting my office ready for my new computer and such.  I'll have some stitching photos soon.  In the meantime, the new issue of Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine is now available:

This is Pat's farewell issue.  The next issue will be the Spring, 2015 issue.  If you haven't heard the news, I am the new owner and publisher.  I've been diligently working on the Spring issue and I can already tell you, it will be loaded with beautiful Crazy Quilt eye candy, tutorials and more!  The new title for this very needful publication is Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  Be sure to follow me on Magcloud and look for the Spring 2015 issue on February 1st!


  1. You will have an extra reason to give thanks this year! A new computer is definitely exciting, and even better that they will do the installation as well.

  2. Well look at you!! It's all coming together nicely, isn't it. Congratulations. You are certainly focused.
    xx, Carol


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