
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  If you were following my blog last year, you may remember The Cinnamon Bear.  A charming, classic radio show from 1937 consisting of 26, 15 minute episodes.  This is a Christmas tale and was played after school between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  In the Chicago area, where I grew up, it was broadcast on WGN radio.

This sweet little Christmas classic is very dear to my heart.  I decided to broadcast it again for everyone to enjoy throughout the 2014 Christmas season.

Below is my post from Thanksgiving last year.  Please read through it to learn more about The Cinnamon Bear story.  For 2014, the series will start on November 29th.  Each episode will be available at 9:00 am Central time.  One episode will be available each day with the final episode being posted on December 24th.

I hope everyone enjoys The Cinnamon Bear as much as I do.  I listen to it every year, 1 episode per day!


(Post from Thanksgiving Day 2013 - All about The Cinnamon Bear).

First, I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

A few weeks back, I mentioned that I had something special planned for the upcoming holiday season.  First, let me explain the story behind this.

My father has always loved old time radio shows.  The golden age of radio!  Shows that were broadcast on the radio back in the 40's and the 50's.  Long before television came about.

One of his favorite radio shows, which always aired between Thanksgiving and Christmas, was The Cinnamon Bear.  This classic story consists of 26 - 15 minute episodes which were originally broadcast on the radio in 1937.

When I was little, back in the 60's, my dad played this story for my sister Kathi and I.  They were on reel to reel tape.  Does anyone remember reel to reel?  Then in the 1970's, WGN radio in Chicago, began playing the episodes after school, one every weekday between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

So I basically grew up looking forward to The Cinnamon Bear episodes each holiday season.

The Cinnamon Bear is a charming tale of a set of twins, Judy and Jimmy Barton, who go up the attic of their big old Victorian house one Christmas season to find the Silver Star for the top of their Christmas tree.  Once up in the attic, magic happens!  They meet a precious little teddy bear named Paddy 'O Cinnamon who leads them in their search for the Silver Star. Along the way, they meet all sorts of interesting characters including one, which I'm sure ya'll will love, The Crazy Quilt Dragon!

I don't want to give too much of the story away.  But I do hope you'll stop by my blog every day starting tomorrow as I will be broadcasting this sweet little Christmas story in it's entirety.  I will post 1 episode a day starting tomorrow November, 29th and running through Christmas Eve December, 24th.  Each episode is scheduled to post at 9:00 am Central Time.

Also, if you have children or grandchildren, you might like to print up the following pages.  These pages are from my dad's original The Cinnamon Bear Coloring Book:

I hope that you all enjoy the story of Judy and Jimmy and The Cinnamon Bear.  I would love to hear your comments.

In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Peppermint Punch Recipe

Okay, it's Winter now.  I know better than to complain.  New York has been blasted and we just have 2 inches so I'll live with it and be quiet.  Okay, I won't be quiet about it but I'll live with it.  Mostly because I don't have a choice!  LOL!!!

My new computer arrived this afternoon!  One week from today, Dell comes out and sets it all up!  That'll be awesome!

Lucy is showing more signs of improvement today!  She's eaten a whole can of food and then some.  Still sleeping a lot but definitely improving!

I sewed up a few blocks this afternoon but I haven't had time to start on one so in the meantime, I thought I'd share a recipe that has been a favorite of mine since I was little.


Peppermint Punch
3 (13 oz.) cans evaporated milk
2 c. water
1 c. crushed red and white peppermint candies
1/2 c. sugar
Few drops red food coloring
Mix evaporated milk, water, peppermint candies and sugar in large saucepan. Stir over medium heat until candy is dissolved. Stir in food coloring. Serve warm with spoon of ice cream and a candy cane stirrer. Makes about 12 servings.
My mom used to make this after school at Christmastime.  It's very good and perfect to have while stitching on a cold, snowy afternoon.  Like today!

For now, I'm off to make something for dinner.  Yes, I actually have to turn the oven on and cook something.  We usually grill on Sunday's and then have left overs on Monday but it rained all day yesterday so we couldn't use the grill.  So I'm off, to turn the oven on and cook.........

Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Few Finishes

I finished up my latest Crazy Quilt clutch purses yesterday:

I'm not thrilled with putting these on the frames but I really do enjoy making these!

I also finished up my Crazy Quilt Cat Pillow:

I didn't get to my sewing machine today so hopefully, I'll have some time to sew up a couple of blocks tomorrow.

For now, I'll leave you with some kitty photos:

This Lucy.  She was looking at Daddy.  She's definitely doing better today.  At the moment, she's sleeping in my computer chair while I sit on a hard kitchen chair!  LOL!!!

And here are the 3 boys sleeping on the bed:

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lucy's Home!

My beautiful Lucy did very well with the surgery.  The Bladder Stone has been removed.  Scott and I brought her home this morning.  She's curled up on a pile of fuzzy blankets in her favorite chair in the living room.  She's still a bit frightened and disoriented though.  She hasn't wanted any food or water yet.  Maybe tomorrow will be better for her.  I'm just so glad that she's home and resting.

I finished 2 of the 3 purses that I had to finish up.  I'll do that 3rd one when I get off the computer.  I also sewed up the white and purple pillow.  I'll do the hand finishing on that this evening as well.

In the meantime, Mom has made a few new Heart Door Hangers:

I think Mom is working on some more of these pretty little hanging hearts.  She asked me to print up another sheet of little vintage images for her so I'll get those ready this week.

I'm going to have to get a nice long sewing day in soon.  I think I'm out of blocks to stitch on!  I want to start on some hearts too.  Don't you just love pretty little lacy things!

Okay, I'm off to finish up those projects.  I expect to have photos tomorrow.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

It's All Coming Together

Little by little, things are coming together.  My new computer was shipped yesterday so I expect it to arrive either tomorrow or Saturday.  I ordered an external hardrive/backup today and Dell's Installation Service is scheduled to come here on December 1st to set everything up, transfer my files and install my software for me.  Yes, I can do it all myself but I don't want to.  I just want to sit down and do my work.  Dell can do it all a lot faster than I can and they can get it all right the first time whereas, if I have to do, heaven knows how long it would take me!

This is all quite exciting for me!  This computer is 15 years old.  I'm thankful that it still works but it's pretty slow now.  The new computer will be very fast!

I've been stitching on a pretty white pillow with purple embroidery and embellishments.  I have a bit more stitching to do on it but it's almost done:

I also sewed up the last 3 purses that I stitched:

I just have to put these together on the frames and they're ready for a new home.

In other news, my Lucy has a Bladder stone.  Thank goodness my vet is only 10 minutes away!  I was there 3 times last week and 3 times this week.  Anyway, Lucy is 16 and has Kidney Disease so there's no option but surgery.  I'm not thrilled with the idea of surgery at her age but we don't have a choice.  We have to have it removed or it will continue to grow and I'm sure I don't have to explain the outcome to that.

Bleu is doing very well.  He has adjusted quite well to being here and finally, Cotton is accepting him.  Wrigley and Lucy were fine with Bleu right away but Cotton was rather upset.  I'll post some new photos of them soon.

Before I head out to stitch, does anyone have anything else for the 2015 Spring issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine?  Any eye candy photos to share?  Or Ads to place?  I just want to be sure that I have everything and that I give everyone the opportunity to share their projects and place their ads.  Please let me know asap!  Just drop me an email.                     

Friday, November 14, 2014

How Do You Organize Your Crazy Quilt Stash?

I've received several inquiries recently, asking for suggestions on how to organize Crazy Quilt stash.  Since we CQer's collect such a vast array of supplies, it's hard to know the best and most efficient way to manage our things.

So, with all that said, I'm looking for photos and descriptions of how YOU organize YOUR stash.  I will publish your photos, descriptions and suggestions in the Spring 2015 issue of Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.

Please email me your submissions (don't post here).  I need photos that are high resolution 300 DPI JPEG's.  Please send as soon as possible so I have time to include everyone's submissions.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Needle Felted Brooches

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I HAVE been stitching.  I just haven't had a lot of stitching time lately due to working on my little room and getting ready for my new computer.  Speaking of which, my new monitor arrived and so did my chair cover!  The chair cover, although bigger than my office chair, looks great!  Thankfully, the chair allows for a lot of tucking, which I did and now my ugly black leather (but comfy) office chair is a pretty pink floral print.  Yes, photos will be coming soon!

I did manage to make few new Needle Felted brooches:

I still have my 3 little purses to put together.  I'm planning on getting those sewn up next week.

In other news, my new refrigerator arrived today.  So, I had to take the time to deal with that.  It's a bit smaller than our old one but that's okay.  Scott and I don't eat a lot and it's easier to clean under and behind!  And inside!

So that's my news for today.  Oh, it was snowing all day today too.  Just flurries and it is pretty....wait, did I say that?  Trust me, I won't be saying that come January!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New Computer Is On It's Way!

Well, I have loads of news to share with you today!  First, I decided on a different chair cover for my ugly, black (but very comfortable office chair).  The one I posted last week just wasn't quite what I was looking for.  Instead, I went with this brighter, more cottage style chair cover:

I may have alter it a bit to fit my office chair but I think it'll work nicely and it will certainly look better than this boring black leather!

My new white desk arrived and Scott has that all put together.  I think it'll look nicer than the artificial wood desk that I've been using since 1996!  Yes, I will take pictures when everything is back in order here!

In other news, I ordered my new computer from Dell!!!!  I know I was dragging my feet.  It's so overwhelming to get a new computer.  Especially when it comes to setting it all up and transferring files from the old one to the new one.  But it occurred to me to ask Dell if they offer an installation service and yes!!!!  They do!!!!!  So I spent the few extra dollars and they will come and set it all up, transfer my files, add my printer and scanner, install my software and then all I have to do is turn it on and get back to work!  What a relief that is to me!  I was dreading having to do all that.

Everything should be here by Thanksgiving!  Now I feel excited about it all!

Unfortunately, my refrigerator went out the other day.  Okay, talk about "not exciting"!!!  So Monday night, Scott and I went up to Home Depot and bought a new one.  It's arriving tomorrow.  At the moment we have everything on ice in coolers out in my mudroom which isn't heated (it will be someday) so it's plenty cold out there but certainly a great big fat pain in the butt!

Speaking of cold, yes, it's Winter now.  We had snow flurries again this morning.  I already miss sitting out on my deck everyday.  But I guess in time, Spring will come again.

I have been stitching but not as much as normal due to all the commotion with getting my office ready for my new computer and such.  I'll have some stitching photos soon.  In the meantime, the new issue of Crazy Quilt Gatherings magazine is now available:

This is Pat's farewell issue.  The next issue will be the Spring, 2015 issue.  If you haven't heard the news, I am the new owner and publisher.  I've been diligently working on the Spring issue and I can already tell you, it will be loaded with beautiful Crazy Quilt eye candy, tutorials and more!  The new title for this very needful publication is Crazy Quilt Quarterly magazine.  Be sure to follow me on Magcloud and look for the Spring 2015 issue on February 1st!

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Welcome Bleu!

As most you know, I'm one of those Crazy Cat people.  My husband Scott is too.  We've been wanting one more little kitty to love so on Saturday, we went to Animal House Shelter in Huntley, Illinois.  I confess, I have a hard time doing this.  They're all deserving, they all need good homes and they're all so beautiful!  But we can only take care of so many and 4 has always been comfortable for us so, after quite awhile, we adopted this little one:

He's a Russian Blue so we named him Bleu.  Spelled the French way!  When he's a big boy, he should have bright green emerald eyes.

Bleu took to Scott immediately.  They just seemed to bond right away.  Bleu is very playful, very intelligent, very active and very vocal!

Lucy and Wrigley seemed fine about this after a day or so but little Cotton is still trying to get used to the idea.  He's been the baby for over a year now and I'm not sure he's willing to relinquish that role but after a few days, he does seem to be warming up to the little one.  I think I only heard one hiss out of Cotton today!

In other news, my room is pink!  I found a nice white desk over at Staples last week which I ordered and it should be here this week.  I also found this pretty slip cover for my computer chair at Amazon:

I may have to alter it slightly to fit my chair but I know I can do that.  Honestly, can anyone tell me why they insist on making computer chairs in boring black leather?  I just can't stand black furniture!  It stands out like a sore thumb in my little pink room.  So anyway, I'm going to order this cover and it should look quite nice in here.  All I have left to do is the stenciling which I'll get to once I have everything back in place.  But I'll get some photos of the wall color in the next day or so. I'm just about done putting my things back and I have my valance hung so it's looking good!

Finally for today, I have a pretty little Christmas Door Pillow that mom made:

I know mom is working on some more Christmas things including some little gingerbread man ornaments.  I still have 3 purses to put together but it's not looking like I'll be getting to the finishing until next week.