
Monday, February 03, 2014

Lady In Blue Crazy Quilt Purse

It was a busy weekend.  Snow on Saturday so I had to have Scott take me in the truck to run my errands.  In case I haven't mentioned it, I've had enough Winter now.  They're calling for another 6 inches tomorrow and then more again on Saturday.  Geez, what is this?  Alaska?!!!!  We never get this much snow in McHenry!

Anyway, yesterday was my dad's birthday and of course the Super Bowl.  And the only thing about the Super Bowl that I celebrate is the end of Football season!  We did watch the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet over at mom's and I just love that!  All those sweet little puppies and then the kitty half time show.  Just precious!

Scott and I gave my dad a handmade Screech Owl Box.  My dad loves the birds and I thought it would be too cool if he could attract those beautiful little Screech Owls.  I am very much into buying handmade and very much into buying things that are made in the USA so when I decided on a Screech Owl box, the first place I went to was Etsy.  I did my search and found the perfect Screech Owl box at Bishgrg on Etsy.  My dad loved it and being a woodworker himself, he said the craftsmenship is excellent!

I did manage to finish up my Lady In Blue Crazy Quilt Purse:

In need to get up to JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby and pick up some purse handles.  I've used the extras that I had here.  So I'll get this sewn up as soon as I can get to a craft store.

This Gypsy Purse will be my next Crazy Quilt project:

I'll start stitching on this one either later today or tomorrow.  I have a few more brooches I want to stitch on too.

I added a couple of new things to my Etsy shop.  First, a pretty little hanging heart ornament handmade by Mom:

And a Cotton Batting St Patricks Day Ornament by me:

I guess that's my rambling for today!  More tomorrow....


  1. I really hope the owls like their box - wouldn't that be wonderful? And speaking of know I like the blue purse! I embiggned the picture and I was surprised that I couldn't find any pink!!

  2. I just found you, via Magpie'sMumblings,and I'm glad I did. The cats made me melt!

  3. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Pam, I like your beautiful bleu purse,
    Greetings maria mulder


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