
Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Kitty and Me Designs on Pinterest

I was offered the opportunity to convert my Pinterest account from a personal account to a business account.  So now, if you follow me there, you'll see my pins posted by Kitty and Me Designs instead of Pamela Kellogg.  Kind of cool I guess but I confess, it did make me laugh.  It's really not much of a business.  More like a hobby for my mom and I.  We just like to make things and we just can't keep everything we make.  Anyway, just thought I'd share that little tidbit with you.

In other news, I started stitching on my Gypsy Purse but I didn't get very far so I'll share an update on that tomorrow.  For now, I finished a special order door hanger:

I don't take on too many special orders but this was a door hanger and I like making those so it's done and ready to ship to my customer.

I also made 2 more Needle Felted Brooches:

I printed up another sheet of vintage images yesterday.  Mom and I are planning on doing a couple of craft shows this year and I want to have a bunch of them ready for the shows.  I'm going to need some more roving soon.  I can order some from Etsy but there are Fiber shows in our area coming up so I hope I can attend those.  I'll have to ask my sister if she can go.  There's one in Grayslake Illinois in June and another in Jefferson Wisconsin in September.  I'll probably order some from Etsy and then buy way too much at the fiber shows because I love craft supplies and that's just the way it is!  LOL!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good thing there's not a 12-step program for crafters because you and I would be charter members! Congrats on the pinterest thing too. Oh, and a thought, would there be a market for printed image sheets in your etsy shop??


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