
Monday, January 06, 2014

Embellished Needle Felted Heart Brooches

It's been around 14 degrees below zero here all day.  I can't remember the last time it was this cold here!  Certainly the teens and 20's are nothing new for Northern Illinois but 14 below is a bit unusual.  And too cold for my blood!

So I didn't even attempt to go anywhere today.  Instead, I spent my morning sewing up the Crazy Quilt Valentine Hearts that I made back at Thanksgiving.  I still have to stuff them but will work on those after dinner or in the morning.

At Christmas, I was making some needle felted heart brooches which I then stitched on and embellished.  I think I made about 16 of them!  Here are the first 5:

I'll have more of these to share tomorrow.  Until then, have a good night.  And stay warm!  


  1. Staying warm these days is a feat in itself, at least if you have to go outside. Hibernating sounds like a good plan!

  2. Rachael8:44 PM

    Hi there! I've been stuck at home unable to get to work due to all the ice on the road and I ran across a few of your pieces whilst googling "crazy quilt" to try to help my mom find some inspiration for her latest project. Two images stood out to me immediately (they both turned out to be from your Marie Antoinette quilt) and this led me to your blog. Since then I've spent the last several days going back through all your posts and looking at your projects, picking out links to send to my mom. She's a fantastic quilter with decades of experience behind her, but has taken up embroidery in the last few years. The latest class project of hers calls for the students to make a crazy quilt border for their blocks. I have had a much heavier hand than usual in her choices for this project, and I was not satisfied with the teacher's crazy quilt border so I took it upon myself to find mom some examples that passed muster, which is what led me ultimately to your site! I have enjoyed so much looking at all your projects, being able to see them in different stages of progress, as well as soaking up seemingly simple tips and tricks. There is so much wonderful eye candy and inspiration here. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  3. I've been thinking of you (and other American blog buddies) everytime they have something else on the news here about your big freeze. I don't know how you survive, I think I would just die...brrrrrr..

  4. Rachel, thank you for your lovely compliments! I tried to email you but your email address wasn't available. Anyway, I like to reply to everyone when I can so thank you very much!!! Pam


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