
Sunday, January 05, 2014

Back To Normal....Almost

Well, I think things are just about back to normal now that the holiday break is over.  I think Thanksgiving being a week later than usual threw me off a bit on Christmas.  I feel like I fell behind on things and then had to push myself to get caught up and finish all the holiday activities. 

It was a nice holiday season but as usual, I'm glad to have my routine back.  I'm a creature of habit with daily, weekly and seasonal routines.  Christmas seems to take a lot of my energy.  I don't know why.  It's supposed to be fun and I tried to pace myself but for some reason, I got a little behind this year.  Oh well, now I'm back to my creative time, my normal cleaning routine and taking care of my online store.

Speaking of which, mom has managed to finish up some new things for the shop.  I stitched a lot throughout the month of December but I haven't been able to get to my sewing machine to finish anything.  The last time I used my sewing machine was before Thanksgiving.  WITHDRAWALS!!!!  Well, I'll be sewing on and off this coming week so I'll have some new things for you to see soon.  In the meantime, here are mom's latest Etsy items:

What lovely Valentines Day gifts!  I don't know how Mom got 4 things completely finished over the holidays!  But at least I have some new things in the shop now.

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