
Thursday, December 05, 2013

Teacup Kittens

After 2 days of dark dreariness and heavy fog, the clouds finally lifted and we have some sun!  I almost didn't recognize it!  LOL!!!  We had a cold front come through but the sun feels good!  I think I'll make a cup of hot tea and go sit out on the front porch for a little while this afternoon.

My current Crazy Quilt project is this Kittens In A Teacup pillow:

 And here's a closeup photo of the silk ribbon embroidery that I did around the kittens:

I'm going to have to order some silk ribbon so I can hand dye some more shades of pink.  This is about the last of what I did last time.  I ya'll know I do a lot of things in pink!

Here are a couple of closeups of the bead work I did on a couple of the seams:

I'll be working on this more this afternoon.  I've already done all my housework for the day.  I just have to run my washer and dryer a few times.

Is anyone enjoying The Cinnamon Bear?  I haven't heard from anyone and I think it was a fun thing to share since it's one of my favorite Christmas story's.  Please let me know!


  1. I must admit I haven't listened to the Cinnamon Bear stories yet - I've saved them though and they'll be for my listening pleasure while I wrap presents tomorrow. Such sweet little kittie faces peeping out from your stitching!

  2. Ohhhhh Pam - you've outdone yourself on this pretty - so sweet and simply adorable!

  3. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I loved this block as being a cat lover:)) It is so pretty.
    Season's greetings,
    Rengin, in Istanbul


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