
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Kittens In A Teacup

I went through my Hoosier cabinet this morning (I keep my tablerunners and vintage tablecloths in it) looking for my Christmas linens.  I remember when Nightmare was here, I would open the bottom door to the Hoosier cabinet and he couldn't get in there fast enough.  While looking through my things, I found a few with some of Nightmare's fur on them.

I took this photo of Nightmare last year when I was looking for my Christmas things.  He loved it in the Hoosier cabinet.  He thought he was hiding or something.  Anyway, I cleaned the cat hair off of my things.  It was hard but I had to do it.  He was a beauty, wasn't he?  I so love black cats and Nightmare and I were so bonded.

And here's Nightmare laying under our tree last year:

I also put one of my embroidered Christmas pillows on my bed today and then washed the ones that I usually keep on the bed.  Simba, loved this pillow:

If you remember, I lost Nightmare in May, exactly 1 year to the day after I lost my Simba.  I don't mean to sound sad.  Christmas is hard sometimes.

Anyway, I've been stitching on my Kittens In A Teacup Pillow:

All of the seam embroidery designs are from my Elegant Crazy Quilt Seam Treatments books.  Here are some closeups:

And here's a closeup of the lace trim around that curve:

I hand painted the lace pieces for this.  I remember reading The Thorn Birds years ago and in the book, a dress color was referred to as "ashes of roses".  That was the color I wanted for the lace.  I think I managed that!

I'll leave you with one of my favorite Christmas songs called, "Johnny Bring The Pinetree In".  It's a rare song that was played on WLIT in Chicago back in the 80's.  I never hear it anymore but found it on YouTube last year.  Enjoy!


  1. Oh Pam, I remember shortly after Jake died I would take a damp paper towel and run it along the floor to try to find his hairs. I know just what you mean!
    I believe our pets are waiting for us in heaven but it really is hard not to still feel a broken heart especially this time of year.
    Beautiful stitching...I'm going to take a closer look right now to be inspired!
    <3 <3 <3

  2. Nice photos of your kitties. Do the new ones get into that cupboard, too? Love your kitties in the teacup pillow! Such pretty stitching!

  3. Those are some beautiful stitches & kitties too:)

  4. Beautiful stitching! A time of the year when we remember our loved ones who have gone before and enjoy the blessings we have here and now.. it can be difficult...I usually get teary at some point during our celebrations....but I love Christmas...hugs, Julierose

  5. I know how you feel about missing our four-legged friends. I still (after four years) miss my Odin, and I miss Cosmo meeting us at the door when we come in. He's living with our son & d-i-l so at least we can still see him once in awhile.


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