
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Saying Hello

Just thought I'd stop in for a minute and say hello.  I'm lost without my Simba so I'm still at the point of keeping busy rather than actually doing anything.

When I took this picture of Simba back at Valentine's Day, I had no idea it would be the last photo I took of him.  I can't believe how much weight he had lost.  He's always had a non-stop appetite.  At his healthiest, he weighed 15 pounds.  He had Colitis which really took a toll on him this past year.  On Wednesday, he was down to 7.02 pounds.  I was afraid to pick him up because I was afraid of hurting him.

Anyway, his appetite was still really good until Wednesday morning.  I always hid his pill in some tuna which he loved but when he wouldn't eat it, I knew it was time.  It's one thing for me to suffer but I won't let these babies suffer.

Nightmare and Lucy are doing okay.  I can see that both of them are grieving but Nightmare is having a harder time with it.  When I adopted Simba, Nightmare was a year old.  Nightmare and Simba bonded right away and Nightmare immediately took to mothering him.  Simba became Nightmare's baby and Nightmare raised him.  Not me.  I just supervised.

Now, Nightmare sits in front of my rocking chair and stares at the sunspot on the floor where Simba used to lay.  And then he looks at me like, "mom, where's my baby?" 

Lucy and Simba were best friends.  When we rescued Lucy and took her in, she immediately took to Simba.  Probably because he was the closest to her in age.  They used to sleep on the bed together. 

Simba was one of the most gentle creatures on the planet.  There was nothing aggressive about him.  He was just quiet and gentle.  And he has left this incredibly huge, empty space in my heart.


  1. I grieve with you, this post brings back memories for me too of all my feline friends.
    I can only send you love and hugs via the web. As i write, Katie cat is yelling at me to stop and give her fuss, her wish is my command!


    Sandie xx

  2. Oh Pam - my heart is with you because I know what you're going through. Please take care of you and love Nightmare and Lucy all the more.

  3. O yes, its hard to watch our friends grieve right along with us. So many people don't understand the bonds that animals have with each other.
    xx, Carol

  4. I'm so sorry. It's hard to lose a furry family member.

  5. Pam, I'm so sorry for your loss! Simba sounds like an awesome kitty. It's so hard to lose an animal friend, and it's also hard to watch the impact that loss has on his animal family.

    When I was in college I had pet mice. One of my adult males adopted a tiny little white mouse as his baby, which was amazing, considering how territorial they can be. When the white mouse got sick and passed away, my Bruce was visibly sad. I think in times like these, extra cuddling does everyone a lot of good!

  6. So sorry for your loss Pam, sending hugs from across the Pacific for you.
    Christine in Sydney Australia XX

  7. So sorry for your loss Pam, sending hugs from across the Pacific to you
    Christine in Sydney Australia XX

  8. Here's a hug to help fill the hole.

  9. Dear Pam ... so sorry for your loss ... I've been in your shoes & know how painful this is right now ... especially when the rest of the kitties are sharing your hurt. When I lost Buster a few years ago ... Muffie his sister was quite beside herself. They'd been together for 8 years with us ... and her mournful cries were heart-wrenching...made me cry many times. Thoughts & prayers for you.
    Hugs ... Marie

  10. Oh Pam I am sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you are feeling right now. I still can't accept the loss of Angell, I don't think I ever will. I am so glad I took lots of pictures of her, she was my baby and I am keeping very busy to try to get back to normal, if there is such a thing. If you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here.
    Gentle hugs,

  11. My Dear Pam, I'm still so sad about Simba. I wish these beautiful creatures had longer lives but maybe soon it will be time to allow another into your heart :)
    I think you finding the Cardinal was heaven precious that you were able to ease the little guy into heaven in your tender care.
    I am thinking of you every day and praying your heart be filled with peace, even among the tears.
    Love, Terri

  12. Dear Pam, I was just getting caught up on my blog reading, and saw that Simba had passed. OMG, I am so sorry for you, Dear One!! Your story has me crying and mourning along with you. My Boomer was born in 1995 and (knock on wood) is very healthy, even though he will be 17 in July. But you never know when that could change. I know you gave Simba lots of love and a wonderful home. Your boys will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge! In the meantime, give Nightmare and Lucy some extra special lovin’. Big hugs to you,


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