
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Little Stitching

First, I'd like to say Thank You to everyone who left me their hugs for my loss of my Simba kitty.  And a special Thank You to my sweet blog friend who called and left a message on my answering machine.  I can't begin to tell you all how much your kindness has meant to me.

I miss Simba terribly.  I'm still rather lost without him but I have his photos and my memories of him.  It'll take me some time to get used to him not being here physically.  But he'll always be in my heart.

I did do a little bit of stitching yesterday and finished up on that seascape that I was working on:

I pulled a few things for my next little project yesterday.  That was hard because Simba was always my little helper.  He always sat with me while I played with lace and trim.  I could almost feel him sitting there.  Mom said that maybe he was there but it was probably more like wishful thinking.

Anyway, if I can stitch later, I will.  And I'll get back to working on the finishing of my wedding project as soon as I can.  It'll take me some time to get my focus and routine back.  I don't feel well so I'm in slow motion.  But it'll get better.


  1. You felt Simba because he WAS there. Don't dismiss those feelings, but take comfort from them.

    There! That's my advice for the day.
    Love you stitching.
    xx, Carol

  2. Ohhhh yes Simba still sits with you. I will be in the kitchen and feel my Mya dog there waiting for a treat. I turn and almost see her.
    Here is another big hug

  3. Beautiful seascape.

  4. I am trying to get caught up on everyone's Blogs today since I have been gone for a bit!

    I am so sorry about your beloved Simba my dear.


  5. I love how your seascape turned out! The little whale and dolphin charms are adorable, and as always, I love the sequins. :)

    I think that Simba will be with you for as long as you remember him and cherish the things you used to do together. It's up to you to decide whether that's metaphorical or literal. *Hugs.*


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