
Sunday, November 07, 2010

Update On CQ Mystery Project

Good Morning Ladies!  It's quite early.  My sleep schedule is goofy but so is depression.  I'll talk about that in moment.

I thought you would enjoy seeing a quick update on my Mystery Project.   All the seams are embroidered now:

I've already started beading this and may have another update for you later today.  The shadow you see to the left is my Simba.

I just found out on Friday that we're dealing with Kidney Failure with Simba.  Something hasn't been right for awhile.  He's been throwing up a lot, peeing and pooping on my floor, he dropped so much weight.  I took him to the vet for blood work thinking perhaps he had a thyroid problem but no, it's Kidney Failure.  He's 14.

He's on a special diet now and antibiotics.  I have to take him back to the vet in 2 weeks for another blood test to see where we're at with it.

Despite the Zoloft that I'm on, I can feel that sinking feeling in the background.  He doesn't look or act sick.  His face and eyes are bright, his coat is shiny and soft.  I pray the special diet settles things down.  I'm not even over losing Garfield yet.

For me, it's a twinge of a setback.  I'm wanting to sleep all the time.  Of course, here I am at 3:30 am again!  I've been up since 2:30.  That underlying feeling of not wanting to deal with all this is here.  The Seasonal Affective Disorder Syndrome is loud and clear too.

Anyway, I'm a bit worn out from cleaning up after him constantly but hopefully the special diet will balance things out.

He's the sweetest little kitty you'd ever want to meet.  Very quiet and gentle.  Never bothers anything, not at all obnoxious like my Nightmare.  Just quiet and gentle.

Simba All Comfy & Cozy

A few prayers would be most welcome.

I'm going to take advantage of my early morning quiet time and add a few new things to the shop.  If I'm up to it later, I'll post again.


  1. I'm sorry your kitty is not well, my prayers are for Simba today.
    I'm pretty surethe special diest will ease the problem and he will be comfortable and not distressed. The only thing is if he's a hunter, he'll get his extra 'protein' as nature intended! My sisters' kitty, Sammy is on the special food and he hunts, but, he well and very fit.

    It's lovely and sunny here so, I'm going to get out and do some gardening, wrapped up as the wind is quite chilly!

    I do hope you and Simba have a lovely relaxing day!
    Sandie xx

  2. Hi Pam, I am awake too here on the west coast. depression and the fibro pain..what I wouldn't give to sleep through the night..
    Oh I will say a prayer or two or three for Simba, what a cutie pie he is! We shall hope for the best shall we??


  3. Darlin' Pam, will hold you and your sweet kitty up in prayer. I know that He is the only one that can help you through life's travels. It's not an easy road in the best of circumstances and while we are not promised an easy life we are promised He will be there for us. Ask Him to help you through this and we will also be here for you.

  4. Pam,
    I hope Simba is him oldself soon. So distressing when our fur babies are ill. We sometimes don't realize how very much they mean to us and how big a role they play in our daily lives. Even just to look over and see them looking back at us is a comfort. Praying for you both.

  5. Simba is a lovely cat. Tabbies are special. I include you and Simba in prayer this morning.

    Another peek at the mystery! Is it a Christmas stocking or a vest? ;0

  6. Sending prayers and Best Wishes for Simba--and you, too! Take care.

  7. Morning Pam, i was sure I was already a follower but found out I wasn't, so that is why you will see me as your latest :)

    I am so sorry to hear Simba is ill, it is so hard to see our pets like this, so very hard.My prayers go to you and Simba at this difficult time.

    Have you looked into a "lite" for your SAD? I have had one for years and they are great, mine is the "litebook" and it's about time to start using it again with the daylight savings time.
    Just do a google search. I have also learned to take vitamin D every day, and it also helps big time.
    In using these lites as i call them it also helps a bit with the depression but you still need your medication.
    Hugs, Lynn

  8. I will keep your kitty in my thoughts... I know how devoted you can be to an animal and their love in return is so unconditional..

    Gerry Krueger and her animals.....

  9. Dear Pam, Boomer and I have our fingers and paws crossed that Simba’s labs will show he is regaining some kidney function. At 15, Boomer is healthy, but we hate hearing of other ailing friends. My heart goes out to you, especially as we battle our own demons at this time of year.... you know. BTW, I love your new blog looks. Warm for the season.... Take care, dear one. Is that a toilet seat cover you are piecing, LOL!?!? Just an outrageous guess..... Love and hugs, Cathy

  10. Oh poor Simba I hope that he gets better. He is a very pretty cat, reminds me of one I had when I was 18-her name was Snuggles :)
    The project is beautiful. I cant even imagine what it is...Maybe some kind of christmas tree with the blues, whites, star or something related to hannakuh...Not sure but like to guess. Hope you get some sleep tonight. Thats horrible to be awake in the middle of the night.

  11. Thinking of your Simba, Pam. I know you'll take good care of him. Hugs.

  12. Here's a dozen prayers for your beautiful kitty. Nothing worse when you can't comfort them. Hopefully this medication will keep him going for a bit longer yet. xxx

  13. Oh Pam, I came on here to leave a happy message for you, but now I'm sad to read about Simba. We've lost cats to kidney failure, it is heartbreaking to see them so sick, and not be able to do anything except clean up after them and give them lots of cuddles. Hopefully your vet will be able to provide some relief for Simba, and maybe prolong his life for a bit longer.
    I hope my bit of news will cheer you up a little: Remember the biscornu I made using your design back in February? It won a first prize at our local show last week!!
    I acknowledged you on my blog {{hugs}}


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