
Monday, November 08, 2010

Musical Food Dishes

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers for my Simba.  He seems to be doing a twinge better.  No peeing or pooping on my floor and he's not throwing up as much as he was. 

He's not at all thrilled with his special diet food but he does take his pill without a second thought.  He just gobbles it up!

The challenge now is the "musical food bowls".  I have to make sure that Simba eats his food and not the others and I have to watch Nightmare & Lucy like a hawk so they don't eat his food. 

My Nightmare is the most persistent cat I've ever met.  I literally have to put him in the bathroom or bedroom so Simba can eat in peace.

So that's where I'm at with this situation.  I can see why I had a breakdown 2 years ago.  I got so tired of dealing with things, fixing things, cleaning things and just plain doing things.  I just got so worn out!  But enough of that.

I spent hours and hours yesterday adding new things to our shop.  Mom & Kathi have made so many beautiful things!  Here's the latest:

Remember, phone & email orders are welcome!

For now, I'm going to stitch on my "mystery CQ project" and do a bit of needle felting.

Thank you again for keeping my Simba in your prayers!


  1. I'm so very sorry about Simba. It breaks my heart! Our sweet dog Pepsi had kidney failure and eventualy we had to let her go. You will know what to do and when but it won't make you feel any better. Just cherish all the time you have with Simba. HUGS

  2. Just saw the post on Simba. Hope the diet will do the needful and he will recover from his illness. Prayers for sure.

  3. I'm so glad Simba is feeling a little better, will be up and running in no time I'm sure Pam! I love all you've added to your shop, I hope I can buy someday. It's all so cute!
    Hope you and Mom are feeling better also, you're always in my prayers.

  4. Glad Simba is doing somewhat better. I play musical dog food bowls because one is puppy and one is adult...Maybe the puppy can eat adult soon and of course they both like to eat each others food.
    Somes life does wear us out, I understand that. Those tussies are so pretty and those snowmen are so cute. I keep eyeing the kitty cat she felted but I think its gone....maybe next time.
    Hope your day is nice. Hugs, Kim

  5. I know what you mean about musical bowls, Pam. Ginger and Mocha are forever eating from each other's dishes. Cats certainly liven up a household, don't they?

  6. Cats are funny creatures and fun too.
    Hope your baby continues to get better.
    You aren't kidding about beautiful things either ...

  7. Beautiful new creations! I have a cat who sounds like Nightmare. He drives me crazy but he is so adorable and funny that I love him to death!

  8. Cats--they can be such a pain and heartbreak, but can you imagine a home without one?? *sigh*

    Your tussies are the most gorgeous I've ever seen, and the felty snowmen are adorable.



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