
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Fiber Art Brooches And More!

I have been trying to get to blogging since Friday!  I feel like I'm in slow motion and can't seem to get to anything.  It was a rather crazy week but I think things are starting to settle down.  I had to have the power supply replaced in my big computer yesterday.  That's the one I do everything on.  This laptop is my fun computer.  I really only use to look around online, read my blogs and so on.

Anyway, enough of that.  I'll share a few things that mom, Kathi & have been making lately.

First, are some more of Kathi's sweet little needle felted kitties:

Kathi's Needle Felted Kitties

I just love these little sweeties!  They are so precious and each has a personality of it's own.  Just like real kitties!

Mom has made some pretty pillows to sit or hang.  The first is with Strawberries:

Embroidered Strawberry Pillow

This one is with violets:

Embroidered Violets Pillow

I have a ton of these little pillows with the ribbons sewn into top.  I have them hanging on doorknobs and on my antique dresser.  I like to change them with the seasons & holidays but I do have some "anytime" ones.  They're a nice little homey touch!

I finished up my Marie Antoinette Brooches:

Marie Antoinette Brooches

The little faces are done with Polymer Clay and a push mold.  Once baked, I painted them.  The background is a heart shaped Yo-Yo made of Brocade and behind that, some gathered tulle.  Of course I embellished as I always do!  Porcelain flowers and vintage rhinestones that I took out of some broken old jewelry are attached the feather.

I've been playing with Polymer Clay quite a bit lately.  I'm working my pieces into some interesting art jewelry.  Will have photos of those soon.  In the meantime, here are my Fiber Art Brooches:

Autumn Splendor Fiber Art Brooch

Copperfield Fiber Art Brooch

Ocean Blue Fiber Art Brooch

Cool Peppermint Fiber Art Brooch

I can't  throw even the tiniest of scraps away!  I save everything!  So that's what these are all about.  Using some of my little bits and pieces.  I love fuzzy yarn and worked some of that into these pieces and added some vintage Mother Of Pearl Buttons to each brooch.  I think they're really interesting!

Well, I picked up the new Belle Armoire Jewelry magazine and the new Sew Somerset.  Beautiful things to see in these issues.  I haven't read through them yet, just looked at the photos.  I will enjoy paging through them after dinner.  Taco Salad tonight!

Quick question:  Does anyone else read their magazines from the back to the front?  I noticed today that I do that and was wondering if I'm the only one!  I do a lot of things backwards but so I guess I never noticed before!


  1. Love the way you displayed your MA brooches on the music, Pam! Speaking of kitties, we finally caught a decent photo of Ginger. Usually she takes off when the camera is around.

  2. Hi Pam

    I do exactly the same thing. Always start at the back of a magazine. don't know whats with that. My sister did it also and she used to say we must be Chinese somewhere in our past as they read from the back to the front.

    Hope you are keeping well. I am busy getting all my flowers in. I get later every year. Tell your Mom she is putting out some beautiful work.



  3. As always, I just love looking at your handiwork. Those little kittens your sister makes are wonderful!

    As I said in my email, my kitty arrived safe and purring last night. He is so stunning. And thank you for the extra little card. I will use that in my parcel home to mum in a couple of weeks.

    Keep up the good work!


  4. Hi Kitty ;)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    It was a complete over sight on my part not to have been a follower sooner ~ you and Pat were the first crazy quilters I found on line many years ago and am still enjoying the dyed lace you used to sell! And I am over joyed to see you on facebook ~ happy and smiling!!!

  5. Pam,

    Those brooches are stunning. You are really talented. You should make some fabric cuffs to match them. They would be gorgeous.

    xo Cathy

  6. Kathi's little kitties are so cute! I haven't taken up needle felting (yet) because I value my fingers too The brooches are absolutely lovely and such a great idea to use up little bits and bobs from your stash. Like them!

  7. Hi there, thanks for visiting me. I see you have a kitty you miss too. I have one in my blog sidebar as well. Your blog is lovely!!


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