
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Busy As A Bumble Bee This Week!

I was planning on getting Part 2 of my Art Quilting 101 Tutorial up this week but it's been rather crazy here so that will be delayed until sometime next week.  I know that several of my readers are enjoying it so please don't worry, it is on it's way!

Well, I have DSL now and all I can say is WOW!  I can actually read my favorite blogs now instead of waiting for pages to load.  It's great!  My email program still isn't working but Kathi will get it figured out as soon as she can.  I can do email via the web but I am just a twinge behind.  If you're waiting to hear from me, not worry.  I'll be caught up over the weekend.

I took some photos yesterday of my garden, which is a bit of a mess because I wasn't able to do anything out there last year and this year, I'm honestly not into it much either.  But I do have some pretties to share with you:




Yellow Flowers

I have no idea what those yellow flowers are.  I just can't remember.  I planted them years ago and I love them!

In other news, here are few more of mom's vintage hankie hanging pillows:

Vintage Hankie Yellow Doorhanger

Vintage Hankie Heart Doorhanger Blue

I've never used my vintage hankies in this way but it sure is a lovely way to enjoy them!  Mom added beads, charms and ribbons.  Amazing for someone with limited vision!

And then, I thought you'd enjoy seeing my sister's needle-felted kitties:

Purple Needlefelted Kitty

Yellow Needlefelted Kitty

These are absolutely precious!  They're tiny!  Only about 2 inches high X 4 inches long from the front paws to the tip of the tails.  I don't know how she does anything so tiny!  Of course, I've never done needle felting and I don't intend to try one more thing! 

I do have 2 of these for myself.  She made me one and then made one for the shop but I mooched it.  And Kath, if you're reading this, I love the violet kitty!!!!

Ok, so what else am I doing?  Hmmmm....oh, I finished up my Marie Antoinette Brooches.  I'll have that photo for you tomorrow.  I made some Art Brooches and again, photos coming tomorrow.  And now I'm working on some whimsical brooches with polymer clay faces:

Whimsical Brooches

I made the poly clay faces a few years back.  I thought it would be fun to make brooches with fancy yarns, silk ribbon, beads and sequins.  You know, I gotta pile on the glitter!  I have another ready to stitch on.  I probably won't get that started until the morning.  I have laundry to fold and salad to put together and my Nightmare is telling me that it's time for his medication. 

I'm off to take care of those things!  Tomorrow I see my new Dr.  I'm looking forward to that.  I really think I'd feel better if I drop this medication just a twinge.  I'll keep you posted.


  1. Your flowers are so pretty. I just haven't been able to get into gardening this year either.
    LOVE the hankie pillows. Beautiful!!

  2. So many beautiful things in this post. I have been enjoying your blog very much and I'd like to send you the 'Trendy Blog Award'. It's just a way to share some of your favorite blogs and perhaps find some new ones. Check out my blog post to see what it's all about.

  3. I can't help you with the name of the flowers I'm afraid, because when I saw the picture I was hoping YOU knew what they were! I'd love some in our garden. Our iris' aren't out yet and I'm anxiously waiting for some photos.

  4. Where to start? I love the hankie pillows - it's something I plan on doing at our Farmer's Market this summer. My order from San Francisco Herb arrived yesterday, so I have lots of lavender and potpourri! The felted kitties are DARLING. Cuter than any I've ever seen. And ya know what - and this sounds obsessive, but as a fellow cat lover I know YOU will understand - I've been saving Boomer's "fallen wiskers" (his wiskers are soooo majestic!) just for doing a felted Boomer. Have seen it done with felted mice before. Your brooches are nice and clever - is there no end to the talent in your family?! Will you adopt me? Hugs, Cathy

  5. I'll have to keep my eye on your shop to see if any of those little kittens turn up! They are simply gorgeous!

    Love the garden photos too. Very pretty! xx

  6. Great news Pam, so glad you're feeling much better. You have a very talented family, I love looking at all your projects.


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