
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rose Garden Design In Cross-Stitch & Needlework

I just received the March 2010 issue of Cross-Stitch & Needlework:

Cross Stitch And Needlework

I did this lovely Rose Garden design for Charles Craft last year:

Cross Stitch And Needlework 2

Not bad considering I was in the "depths of hell" at the time I did this design!  I am quite pleased with it.  I don't usually get to the see stitched models until they are published and I must say, this really came out beautiful!

I'd like to offer my copy of this magazine to the first person who leaves a comment letting me know that they would like to have it.  USA residents only please!  I just can't keep every magazine that I ever had a design published in.  There wouldn't be any room in my house for me and my cats!  So if someone would like to have this, just leave me a comment and I'll gladly send it off to you and I'll take care of the postage.

In other news, I made some Oatmeal cookies this morning but I'm not really happy with them.  I used my mom's recipe which I forgot, I don't care for.  They're too crunchy.  Next time, I'll go back to my recipe which is soft and chewy. 

I've also been fooling around with Facebook today.  I had to download the latest version of my browser just to get Facebook to work properly.  Then I set up a "Page" for Kitty & Me Designs.  I'm still trying to figure that out but I did manage to get my Etsy shop linked over there.  I could use some "fans" now if anyone feels like heading over there.

The other day, I worked up a new Banner for my shop:

Kitty And Me pagetopper Etsy 2010

As I mentioned last week, I've got to not push myself so hard and instead, do things that I really enjoy so I decided to have some fun and play with my craft supplies and my shop.  The banner isn't exactly what I wanted but it's good for now.  I may play with it some more at a later date.

Finally for today, Tristan at Enchanted Revelry blog is offering a very nice give away.  I found his blog today through Mary Anne's blog.  Tristan's blog is wonderful!  Thought provoking and visually incredible!  Do stop by and take a peek!

I guess that's all for now.  I feel like I didn't accomplish anything today!  Did you ever have a day like that?  You make your plans but they just don't work out.  Well, tomorrow's a new day.  For now, I'll get myself into a nice warm bubble bath, grab my latest Somerset Studio magazines and relax.


  1. Great design Pam! I'll have to look for that issue up here. Glad you explored Tristans site - thought you might enjoy it. I don't know how he finds the time to search out such wonderful images. Pretty spectacular eye candy!
    Sorry your cookies didn't turn out the way you wanted (however, Jack and I would love them...we both like crunchy cookies).

  2. Sandy G7:46 PM

    WOW! Love your design. Makes me want to walk right into it. :o)

  3. crunchy is good - all the better for tea dunking !!!! As for the acomplishing , you did this - sometimes accomplishment means just acknowledging you're alive

  4. Pam,
    Another great design, I would love this mag. if it's already spoken for I will see if I can find it. Thanks so much for your wonderful works.

  5. When I got the magazine the other day, it fell on the table and opened at that page with your design on it. At first I didn't realize it was one of yours. Anyway, I immediately got out material and threads, sat down and seriously looked at the pattern to decide where to start. Then, I saw your name and went WOW, she did it absolutely fabulous design. I wish I had your talents. Anyway, GREAT DESIGN and hope you have a fabulous day today!!!!!
    Joanie R.

  6. I love your Rose Garden design, eye-catchingly colorful!
    Happy Stitchin'...
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…

  7. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I have this issue and I started to create it, but i have lost my pattern and have a half made project, I can't find the pattern anywhere for download. If you know or have any idea where I can get this pattern so I may finish my project that would be great. I am at


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