
Monday, January 18, 2010

Notes To Myself

Slow down girl!  Settle down girl!  Relax girl!  Oh, these things just don't seem to be in my vocabulary!  I keep moving from one task to the next despite the fact that all I really feel like doing is stitching.  That motor on my ADD butt just doesn't quit.  At least until I'm so exhausted that I have no choice but to take a shower and go bed.  And oh yes, how about those night sweats!  Love that.  NOT!  And then the restless leg syndrome caused by my medication.  My body wants to sleep but my legs would rather get up, marathon walk around the lake and stroll down to the WalMart for awhile.  They say that the 40's are some really great years for us women.  I think not!  I hope my 50's will be some good years.  We'll see how that goes when I get there.

In the meantime, here are the latest creations by Mom and Myself:

Blanket Baby Light Pink

Blanket Baby Blue

Blanket Baby Plaid Pink

Mom made these sweet little Blanket Babies.  Some of you may remember that Mom made a ton of them for Pat Winters' Comfort Doll Project.   Although they are for decorative use only, they would make the cutest little package tie-on's for a new baby.

These pretty little Blank Note Cards were made by mom as well:

Roses Cards

And I made this set:

Floral Cards

I have a tendency to forget that it takes a lot of time to take photos, edit photos and upload photos.  I feel like I didn't accomplish a thing if I don't create something each day.  Jan reminded me and I quote, "As for the accomplishing , you did this - sometimes accomplishment means just acknowledging you're alive".  So true Jan and I think that's something that we all have to remember.  Wasn't there a book out awhile back called, "Women Who Do Too Much"?  That would be me, with an extension added that I never feel like I do enough.

I had to stop at the grocery store this morning so I buzzed through the resale shop which is next door.  I don't usually find much in that one.  It's mainly clothing but today I got lucky:


Is this too cute or what?  So shabby cottage style!  I only paid $3.00 for it!  I have plans for it for Easter.  I'll add some Easter grass to the bottom, sit my sparkly white bunny in there and tuck my metallic eggs in around the bunny.  I'll tie a pretty bow to the handle and call it Spring!  I'm sure I'll find a use for it for the rest of the year too.

I'm looking for a magazine holder that is similar in style.  I'm a magazine junkie!  I'd like to get some of them out of my computer room and my bathroom (library) and move them to a corner in the living room where I can reach them while I watch television.

Speaking of tv, Food Channel is calling me.  First I have to put together my Impossible Bacon Pie that I'm making for dinner.  No, I don't cook!  Really I don't!

I'll leave you with an update on Block #5 of my Garden Crazy Quilt:

Floral Crazy Quilt Block 5

Quick note to Karen who left me a message regarding my mom's Tussy Mussy's:  Please drop me an email so I can reply to you Karen.  I don't have your email address and it's important to me to answer your questions.


  1. Love the wire basket. Sometimes you find things where you would never expect to. will look forward to seeing it all dressed up for Easter.



  2. so these are things I have to look forward to. just into my 40s and forced to start taking a natural HRT remedy. *groan* great! lol!

    At least you have your creativity to keep you motivated. I enjoyed looking at your treasures. Your mum is certainly very talented! The teddies are just too cute.

    Keep up the good work, and tie those restless legs to the bed. hey, if they do all their exercise at night, you won't have to do any through the day! gotta love that!


  3. Your ideas are so motivating...thanks Pam for 'boosting' my spirits. Hope you are feeling 100% better soon.
    cheryl, (C:

  4. Impossible Bacon Pie? Now that sounds good! Great find in the wire basket too. That's one of the reasons I love thrift shops - you never know what treasure will just have to come home with you.

  5. Well I love that you are getting your energy back, even if it is hard to tame!
    Block 5 is looking so pretty, Pam...


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