
Monday, August 03, 2009

Saying Hello

The extra Zoloft has helped but it's only covering up the symptoms. I look forward to the day that this nightmare of an experience actually starts to recede.

I was able to do some cleaning yesterday and bake some cookies but today, I have zip for energy.

Just wanted to stop by and say hello.


  1. Pam I've been reading your posts with interest - some years back I too was diagnosed with depression and given some 'magic tablets' they really where wonderful - to start with. they took away the need to feel and take responsibility for my own actions. but they also wrapped me in cotton wool and i really didn't care what was happening. one day I had an unusually lucid moment and realised that this would go on for ever if I didn't do something - that something was very wrong - I went cold turkey . Know I'm not recommending this to any one - the side effects are truly awful and should be controlled by a DR but I felt at the time that this was my only choice. Agian this is not a road I would recommend but I did getv out the other side stronger and able to look at me problems with a truly open mind . Again , I don't recommend it but I just wanted to say that there is a light at the end of the tunnel it may seem far away at the moment but it is there . Just hang on in and find your strength. Take care Jan

  2. Sending some more hugs your way Pam. Hang in there!

  3. Thanks for dropping a line. Right now, you may need the cover up the tablets bring. Each of us finds our own way to serenity, using different helps along the way. A bout with some anxiety landed me on Buspar for a while, and I surely needed that blunting of feeling that the drug gave me. After a while, that magical healer time took over, and I was able to wean off. And everybody's while is different in length.
    Please continue caring for yourself. We surely care for you.

  4. Sending good thoughts and warm hugs.


  5. So glad you are checking in with us, Pam!!! That is a great step forward!

    Love you.....

  6. Dear Pam, I really appreciate your recent posts and find it amazing that we in this blogging community seem able to trust each other so deeply as we tenderly witness each other's art, projects, joys and sorrows. Tender is how I feel toward you right now... sad that it is so difficult a time for you, grateful that you are sharing it with us and hopeful that it will soon pass... with you emerging from the other side feeling stronger than ever.

    The blessing of something like this is that out of necessity, you learn to rely on and entrust your life to others.... like your parents and your husband. As natural independence fades for a time, you experience being lifted by others... and this is good. Many blessings to you, Pam... Hugs too... Robin

  7. Sorry you are having trouble Pam...I certainly understand. I have had problems off and on for many years.

  8. Dear Pam

    I hope your week has been a little better with the extra meds. We are thinking of you.



  9. Pam, I haven't been reading blogs the past few months and I realized this morning that I hadn't caught up with you lately, so I came over to read, and was stunned as I scrolled backward and backward and backward. I'm so sorry you've been experiencing this, and sorry I wasn't here to be supportive.

    Know that I'm thinking of you now and will be praying for you every day . . . one day at a time.



  10. Pam, I am wising you all the best. You are a wonderful person and have a lot of talent. As hard as it may seem, try to stay positive knowing there is light at the end of tunnel. This is what got me through 1-½ years of cancer surgery and treatment. You are a strong person and please know that if you ever need some one to talk to you know how to get a hold of me.

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