
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Not A Good Day

Thank you again everyone. Today is not good. I feel so crazy. I couldn't even drive this morning and I couldn't do WalMart. My dad had to come get me and take me to see my Psychologist. While I was there, he went and got what I needed from WalMart. What would I do without my parents? I'm at my parents house right now typing on my dad's computer. I'm surprised I have enough of my senses to remember my username and password!

I'm going to call my Dr. in a few minutes as my counselor feels I need an adjustment in medication.

I so much appreciate all of your best wishes as well as your willingness to share your experiences with me. Please keep reiterating that this will go away. Please keep telling me that.

My counselor told this morning that this was bound to happen eventually and it's better that it happened in my 40's rather than my 50's. In our 40's, we have more strength to get through it.

It's definitely genetic as my mother went through a similar experience in her early 50's and my grandmother went through it as well.

I'm sorry to be talking about this awful hell that I'm going through rather than needlework and crafts. I'd really rather be talking about that but for now, this is what I'm going through and it's all I have to share.


  1. Pam? You go right ahead and talk about this all you need to. It's part of the healing process and is very necessary. Try not to worry about your ability or lack of ability to be creative. Right now all your energy is necessary to get feeling better. The urge to create will come back as you start feeling better. This I know, for a fact. Just get through this 15 minutes, then a half hour, then an hour, and another. Soon you'll be another day closer to beating this thing. Sending you hugs....

  2. Sending you good thoughts Pam.
    I had a friend who went thru postnatal psychosis, and medication was key for her. Once she got the right meds that worked for her, she was different person, so ask for a change if you are not feeling good.
    And I second Magpie, you keep on talking about it, it is a great way for you to work thru what you are thinking and feeling.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that you had a bad day. Please keep talking about your days here so that we can keep encouraging you to "hang in there".


  4. Hang in there, Pam. It does get better! I've battled with recurring depression all my life - I call my bouts "dancing on the edge of the abyss". I have truly felt like I would fall it at times but haven't yet. Know you will feel better - know this is temporary. So, hang in there - use the great support system you have in your parents and keep talking about it. Besides helping yourself you are helping those who have not found the courage to talk yet. And talking helps.
    Big hugs,

  5. We're here for you, Pam, so keep talking to us as you feel like it. We're your friends and we do care! I was thinking about you today, several times in fact, wondering how you were doing. IT WILL GET BETTER! And we're not going anywhere without you! :-) Hugs, Cathy

  6. Sweety, talking about this hell you are going through is a good thing!!!! Don't stop talking about it! I am here to listen and pray for you anytime as I am sure many others are!

  7. Annie in Florida6:14 AM

    Dear Pam, Please feel free to share all you need to. We are all rooting for you. I check your site occasionally, when I am feeling down (and I know what you are feeling is way more than down, believe me!) because your beautiful art calms me and restores balance to my soul. So I will pray for your health and happiness, since you have given me such a kind gift with your creativity. Peace be yours. Annie

  8. Dear Pam, you have become such a good friend to me and others through your blog and generosity in sharing your patterns and other goodies which I can't mention here. Ditto to all the above comments - you have many friends in blogland as well as your personal friends and family, who are all hoping and praying that you will recover from this awful illness. Jo in NZ is right on target about medication - keep on telling your doctor if one isn't working, there will be one that is right for you.
    I emailed you about some lace I have for you; I'll hang on to it until you are feeling more like doing something with it. Trust me - it's not going anywhere else!

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