
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December News Brief

Well, whatever annoying little bug found it's way into my system, I'm glad to say that it is now on it's merry way. Elvis has left the building! Thank you to everyone who sent me their kind wishes.

I thought I would write up a simple news brief today. I don't expect to get much stitching done in the next week or so. My in-laws are coming up on Saturday and will stay until next Wednesday. I had thought about taking a "blog break" but honestly, I like blogging and I'm sure I have readers who actually enjoy and look forward to my ramblings! Just to warn you though, heaven only knows what I'll be chatting about this coming week. My thoughts are up for grabs here so you may read about some personal aspect of my life, or possibly some deep insights on creativity. I may find some interesting link to share with you and of course, it's possible (very) that I'll whine about the Winter weather. I guess it'll depend on my mood.

I was asked about release dates for the Butterfly Fantasy designs as well as the Hearts & Flowers Biscornu's:

Hearts And Flowers Biscornus

I will release those designs immediately after Christmas. Either on the 26th or the 27th. I didn't see any point in releasing the designs now as I'm sure everyone is getting ready for the holiday and in many cases, putting their stitching down for the time being.

I would like to mention that all the designs in my Etsy shop are exclusive to Etsy. They are only available through me. You will not find them in catalogs, other online shops or local needlework shops. When I started designing needlework (eons ago) I decided at the time that I wanted to design needlework. Not spend my time messing with print shops and distributors. That's why I started out working with magazines and manufacturers. My thoughts were, "let them take care of the printing and I can do what I enjoy doing".

A few months back, I was going to close down my Etsy shop but I was still getting requests for some of my previous designs and it occurred to me to just keep it and perhaps add a few new things to it. Also, since I'm back in the swing of doing mystery projects, it's a easy place for stitcher's to order and sign up for them.

If you decide to order any of my designs, what you will get is a large print, easy to read B/W symbol chart printed out from my pattern software and inkjet printer with a color image of the design. Nothing fancy. What you'll be stitching from is the same thing I stitch from. In my opinion, the design is the focal point. Not some fancy expensive commercially printed leaflet. I print them up one at a time as the orders come in.

I've also decided to add a few more of my stitched pieces to the shop as there are always ideas floating around in my head that I have to actually create in physical form (if I don't, it'll bug me) but they aren't necessarily items or designs that I would use myself. I love making cellphone pouches but in all honestly, I don't use them.

Well, my father just stopped by so I will continue with my ramblings tomorrow and news brief tomorrow.


  1. I'm one of those who looks forward to seeing you blog every day - surprised? =) I don't care what you post, I always find it interesting. How neat that you are having family over the holiday, and go ahead and complain about the cold. I would be!

  2. yes, do keep the ideas (and patterns to buy) coming! I like reading here, and I do so just about every day! :)


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